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Pure Hate — The First Shoe Drops

Posted by Bob on April 19th, 2007 under How Things Work

Holocaust education has been dropped from British schools. This was at the behest of the Moslem Community. That Islamic Community is the direct result of British Jews pouring time and money into getting their revenge on white gentiles. The revenge consisted of bringing in the third world to commit genocide against white gentiles.*

Hate is suicidal. If you dedicate your life to hating others instead of preserving your own, “What goes around comes around” becomes a murderous reality. The Islamic Community which will be the majority of Western Europe around 2050 hates Jews with an intensity Hitler would have been jealous of.

But I have known people who should be fighting genocide against our race to turn it into a hatred of Jews that makes them say OUR race is not as important as EXPOSING the Evil Jews.

This incident in Britain is just the very first shoe dropping as the campaign stretching back beyond Shylock of pure hatred for white gentiles took over Jewish thinking completely. With the Hitler excuse, it has taken over without any Jewish alternative. Since 1945, when they had sympathy all over the world, Jews have turned every population against themselves.

I oppose pure hate because I don’t want our promising movement to go down the same rat hole sympathy for the Jews has gone.

*The White Mantra

“Liberals and respectable conservatives say there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.”

“The Netherlands and Belgium are more crowded than Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote, assimilating, unquote with them.”

“Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.”

“What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY Black Country and ONLY into black countries?”

“How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem? I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?”

“And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?”

“But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.”

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

“Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.”

  1. #1 by shari on 04/19/2007 - 3:12 pm

    I have known all of three jewish women who have been neighbors over the years. Although they tend to believe the liberal rhetoric, none of them would I characterize as hateful or knowingly anti-white. I think, that they think, that they are being fair minded, for the underdog. They have been deceived, as well as many nice white christians. It’s those slick creeps, some jewish, some not, who knowingly make lies, such as Schumer, Dershowits, Boxer, Kennedy, Bush, Cheney, TV talking heads,etc.etc. that tend to make me feel very angry just looking at them. But I think that it is important to consentrate on what and who you really DO care about, not them. Things are really starting to fall apart.

  2. #2 by Dave on 04/19/2007 - 4:56 pm

    The illogic of political correctness knows no bounds.

    The Jews had no opportunity to infiltrate Islamic denominations they way they did Christian denominations.

    Yet certain Jews loudly and publicly warned other Jews not to court the American “Christian Right”, for a severe backlash would be inevitable.

    Their warnings proved prescient. They were based on common sense: Stay away and out of other people’s religions.

    Nevertheless, it was an axiom in neo-conservatism, a political doctrine now dead on a marble slab, that political correctness did not apply to “fundamentalist Islam” that “had to modernize” (in the name of women’s rights, of course).

    The Jews shot their last wad on that clumsy attempt at religious infiltration.

    Now the Christian and Islamic worlds are finding common ground in the resentment of the meddling of the Jews. Well, duh!

    But that is not enough for growing numbers of stupid American blacks (and their celebrity role models) that Islam is fair game for infiltration on the theory of Islam’s “fashion chic”.

    Dumber yet, there are certain African leaders (genuine native born Moslems) furnishing support to this fraud of “converts” to “The Faith”.

    There are even some prominent whites jumping aboard this fraud.

    Then these very same fraudsters (black and white) have the gall to condemn the Jews!

    Only the worst goofballs convert to Judaism without any foundation for it in their families and backgrounds. The same can be said for the goofballs who convert to Islam.

    If I were a Moslem (real native born Moslem with a Moslem family), I would be inclined to furnish these goofball converts the opportunity for martyrdom.

    And I’m sure many of the more intelligent (real) Moslems feel exactly that sentiment.

  3. #3 by Al Parker on 04/19/2007 - 9:25 pm

    Dave, that reminds me of the British neo-Nazi David Myatt who converted to Islam. He’s still an extremist and a Jew hater; he simply joined a different team (a much more populous one).

    Well, this is the kind of blog entry I like. It is very sensible on the Jewish question and can’t help but feel it’s strongly on the right track here. But you run a risk of someone screaming about our RACIAL enemies.

  4. #4 by AFKAN on 04/19/2007 - 11:12 pm

    The Artist Formerly Known As Nobody replies:

    Isn’t this the trap inherent in the nature of Wordism?

    That, if you fall into the intellectual trap of allowing your enemies to define the terms, then you also move all discussions away from the true Spiritual issues – their common RACE, their common CULTURE, their common NATION – then they will simply use the Words as tools of duplicity, to keep your attention in one place, where they do NOT want you to look.

    Now, about the demonic Jews.

    I use them as an example of how (1) RACE BASED thinking is so powerful that a small minority (less than THREE PERCENT) that is organized exclusively along RACIAL lines can effectively control all of the financial, political, religious, and (historically) media complexes, in the host nation, (2) using the host’s own power against them.

    Thus, for instance, they created JUDEO-Christianity – a contradiction – and our people have either gone mad trying to accept this religion as taught (largely by psychopaths), or have rejected the power and the glory that is at the Living Foundation of Christianity.

    Our real power – as the CREATIVE RACE – is to define words to our satisfaction, by our ACTIONS, and to make sure that all of our actions ultimately serve our RACE, the Living Bridge between Family, and Culture.

    I said it before, and I will say it again: for more than FIFTY YEARS, the CONservatives have offered us NOTHING but fear, in one form or another, by describing, over and over, the Forms our RACIAL Enemies adopt, while claiming they are all-powerful, and will inevitably win. This has led, effectively, to the demoralization of our people, while following the false flag of CONservatism. Even Whitaker Chambers said, in effect, “I know I have chosen the losing side.”

    All of the power of CONservatism is a mere spark, compared to the Source of our national power, and that is RACE.

    Incidentally, since discovering Harold Covington’s “Northwest Trilogy” series of novels, and Bob’s Ideas, I have learned to frame the issues of our time, not in despair, but in the light of defining HOW these issues could – and SHOULD – be resolved in our own, RACIAL NATION, our own Homeland.

  5. #5 by richard on 04/20/2007 - 6:46 am

    The Holocaust hasn’t been dropped from British schools. It’s still part of the curriculum, but there have been reports that teachers in schools with lots of muslim kids have decided not to teach it, because the muslim kids ask too many ‘awkward’ questions.

  6. #6 by Ian Santiago on 04/20/2007 - 5:59 pm

    Muslims will never be the majority in Europe. Rather, in a few short years all muslims and other non-Whites will be deported or dead. The end of “democracy” and judeo-christianilty are close at hand and the veil failed experiment of multiracialsm will fall soon after.

    Viva la Raza Blanca!!

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