Whitaker's Weekly Articles  –  November 27, 2004

November 27, 2004  –  Robert Redford's America Left Him

November 27, 2004  –  I Was Born Here

November 27, 2004  –  Mexicans Were Born There

Fun Quote:

If Jews believe in "a Nation of Immigrants" why didn't Israel belong to the Arabs who moved in there?


Robert Redford's America Left Him


If you watched the movie Reds you saw old Communists talking about how they were Americans and THEY had the right to free speech and how they spoke out for Comrade Stalin.

Stalin's name was never mentioned, of course.

By the way, can you imagine a movie having old Nazis bragging about their glory days? Do you think the word "Hitler" would have been forgotten?

So Hollywood considers old Stalinists perfectly respectable. No Hate Laws can apply to Idealists like that.

If you ask a Hollywood leftist like Robert Redford or an old Stalinist whether or not he loves America, he will reply "Yes!" and he will believe it.

He will go on to say, "I am loyal to the America that..." and then he will go on to tell you that "what America is all about" is diversity and equality, "including economic equality."

To Robert Redford, America has deserted him by voting for Bush. He is loyal to the "the real America."

Robert Redford is a Wordist. For him, "America" has nothing to do with the land or the people who are within the meaningless borders of a meaningless piece of ground. America is a set of words, and everybody has a different set of words. When they say they are "loyal to America," they mean they are loyal to a set of words.

Robert Redford is loyal to a leftist set of words. The Wall Street Journal is loyal to a free market set of words. The Wall Street Journal officially demands an amendment to the United States Constitution that says, "There shall be no borders." The "real America" they are loyal to exists in Mexico City and New Delhi. It has nothing to do with "We the People of the United States ... for ourselves and OUR Posterity."


I Was Born Here


I am not an American because I embrace a set of words. I am an American because I was born here.

Those who criticize Robert Redford for saying he wants to leave America had better take a look at their own behavior.

The World War II generation said it fought for "America." Then, when people told them America is just "a nation of immigrants," they did what the World War II Greatest Generation always did. They said, "DUUH!" and all nodded yes.

According to our Constitution, according to the very first words of the Constitution, anybody who comes here is allowed to do so at the convenience of "We the People" who were here in 1789 and "OUR Posterity."

In THAT America, nobody has the right to be here or to any rights under our Constitution except "We the People." The Glorious, Wonderful, Heroic World War II Greatest Generation gave that away.

They say America is a nation of immigrants. People born here have no more right to be here than anybody else on earth. America is just a set of words. If people of Chinese descent believe those words better than the people inside America's borders, then those Chinese have more right to be here than the ones who were born here.

And the Greatest Generation looked the guy who had just taken their country away from them straight in the eye and said, "Yes, Master."

I said above, "According to our Constitution, according to the very first words of our Constitution, anybody who comes here is allowed to do so at the convenience of 'We the People' who were here in 1789 and 'OUR Posterity.'"

Under the Constitution as written by the Wall Street Journal and Robert Redford, I am betraying their America. In Redford's America, every Mexican has as much right to be here as I do, PLUS affirmative action.

You know all those complicated procedures we have to go through to send Mexicans back to Mexico?

Mexico has no such procedures for anybody they don't want there.


Mexicans Were Born There


Let me repeat this for the third time:

"According our Constitution, according to the very first words of our Constitution, anybody who comes here is allowed to do so at the convenience of the 'We the People' who were here in 1789 and 'OUR Posterity.'"

Redford and the Wall Street Journal would go ballistic if our law said that.

But that is EXACTLY what MEXICAN law says!

Mexican law says that "if authorities determine that a foreign resident's presence is INCONVENIENT to Mexico, he must leave."

I put this in the Congressional Record in 1977. Someone else put it in the Congressional Record ten years later. The Congressional Research Service confirmed my translation.

Every country on earth is a nation of immigrants. Nobody EVOLVED in the land they live in. American Indians were immigrants.

Every nation begins by immigration. Every nation is destroyed by immigration.

Every people has the choice of giving their country away or demanding their rights. The World War II Generation, which had no moral courage at all, gave their country away.

Mexicans are not about to give their country away.


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