Whitaker's Current Articles November 29,  2003


November 29, 2003 -- What in the Hell Are We Doing in Iraq?

November 29, 2003 -- Bush Doesn’t Care About America, Leftists Hate Us, Buchanan's Chasing His Tail

November 29, 2003 -- SNAFU

November 29, 2003 -- Everything is Coming Apart, and Whitaker is Right At Home


Fun Quote:

Old folks can have fun, too.

For instance, I celebrate my senility by hiding my own Thanksgiving Eggs.


                                       What the Hell are We Doing in Iraq?                                           


American troops are in Iraq because the Bush Administration will not protect our own borders.   The United States was attacked on September 11, 2001, and the United States is far and away the greatest military power on earth.   So we had to do SOMETHING.

Right now there is a big trial going on about the sniper shootings in the DC area.  The younger murderer, Lee Malvo, is an illegal alien who was caught and then allowed to run free by Federal authorities.   All this happened long after the terror attack of September 11, 2001.

Nobody brings this point up any more when the sniper trial is discussed.  There has been no crackdown on the kind of illegal alien activities that brought on the September 11 attack.  We all know there won’t be any such crackdown.  Hispanic voters don’t want it.

Bush will never get the votes of the Hispanic voters who favor illegal aliens, but he thinks he has nothing to lose by going after them. 

The simple fact is that Bush will never enforce any immigration laws.  But in the end his voters will back him because Bush’s opponents are worse.   Bush doesn’t care what happens to America, but his Democratic challengers actually hate America.   Anyone born here is, to them, an true alien.

That sounds crazy, but it is the exact truth.  And every election, Americans elect somebody with Bush’s attitude, someone with the Democratic attitude, or someone in between.

So we have troops in Iraq. 

And we are going to keep troops in Iraq.   Why?   Because they‘re our boys, you see, and we want to be patriotic.  We want to be so patriotic about Iraq that we cannot spare any troops to patrol the American border.

We are in Iraq because American voters are chasing their tails.


    Bush Doesn't Care About America, Liberals Hate Us, Buchanan's Chasing His Tail   


Bush’s Iraq policies have the usual knee-jerk leftist opponents.  They hate America and they hate the American military.   They say they love the United Nations and France, but they don’t.  They just hate us.

There is the usual slavering support for anything in a uniform that comes from conservatives.

Then there are the Buchananites.

They are against the war.  But like Pat’s 2000 presidential campaign, they are totally unnoticed because they never settle on anything.   Pat ended his campaign insisting that evolution was wrong because he didn’t want to be a monkey.

Big issue, right?

One minute these Buchanan types are the True Believers in the Statue of Liberty.  I remember when old Pat led the Nation of Immigrants charge.

Next the Buchananites are True pro-Lifers.  They say they want to fill the world up with birth defects.  They think that’s Shrewd because it shows the liberals that Buchanan is the REAL Humanitarian.  He would spend every dime we have on preserving every human vegetable on earth. 

Pat also wants to prevent birth control in the third world.

For a while there, old Pat wanted to save the white race.  Now he just wants us to slow immigration so we can have more time for “assimilation,” which means slow racial suicide instead of fast racial suicide.

Lately Pat wrote a book about how “the West” was dying out and the third world was multiplying and overrunning us.    I happen to know that Pat himself was absolutely overwhelmed by the popularity of that book.

Pat’s off that kick now.

You see, Pat has to follow his fans, and his fans have the concentration of a four-year-old at a party.  Right now they’re big on being against Iraq.




So we have the Bush crowd.  They think they're real pros and political opportunists.  Then we have the liberals, whose only clear idea is that white people and Americans are evil.  They think they’re political opportunists, too.

When a real political force emerges, all those groups will vanish like the snow in spring.  And I can tell you exactly what that force will look like.  I’ve made correct predictions of this kind decade after decade.   And every time, people kept chasing their tails until the reality I had told them about over and over, exploded in their faces.

Then everybody said they knew it all the time.

Meanwhile, all those people who think they’re real politicos are pathetic.  But they will last until the rest of us stop chasing our tails.   So they’re less pathetic than we are.

Instead of an opposition, we have the Buchananite crowd who think they’re patriots.  They think they’re loyal to the Lord Jehovah, to the True Spirit of America, to The Melting Pot, to the latest popular Eternal Moral Value, to people on life support, to the Ten Commandments, to the fifteenth child being born in an Indian ghetto in Delhi, to whatever the latest rumor is on the Internet .... and you-name-it.   The you-name-it will be part of all the group mailings I get in my e-mail tomorrow.


                       Everything is Coming Apart, and Whitaker is Right at Home                    


The entire political mess over Iraq makes no sense to a sane person, but it is business as usual to me.  I have been in the middle of dog-chases-tail politics all of my life.

At the end of every political campaign I have gotten panicked calls from people who were new to politics who told me everything was coming apart.  I assured them, “Everything is always coming apart on election day.”

When the titanic Persian Army came into Greece in ancient times, it looked hopeless for Greece.  But a few Greeks stood shoulder-to-shoulder and whipped the Persians.

Rome took that strategy to miraculous levels.  A few Roman soldiers could beat a hundred thousand Eastern soldiers in their hordes or thousands of disorganized Celtic warriors.

There is a political strategy that not only can win, it will win.  I try to explain it, over and over, in WhitakerOnline.   Each time I explain it, I get responses from people who tell me they liked what I said, which I appreciate. They then make further comments that show they have not the slightest idea what I am getting at.  They then give me the latest news about how Bush is a bad guy and is lying.

The strategy I see coming would happen without me.  People like me do a lot of big things because we can see reality while everybody else is chasing the Latest Thing.   We don't create the big movements, but we sure help.  

I was part of the ground-laying that got Goldwater nominated in 1964.  Then Goldwater went to the “real pros” and lost it all.  I spent years helping form the “Reagan Democrat” strategy that won in 1980.   Every year before that conservatives were dashing around with yet a new excitement, but I kept on.

I had a ticket to the Reagan Inauguration.  I gave it away and worked on the next thing.

I stopped the Internal Revenue Service from imposing racial quotas on private schools.  I saved the Hubble Space Telescope.   American politics is a huge world, and one person can do a lot.

But I never did anything by dashing around madly chasing whatever the Latest Big Deal is in political news.

Politics, like everything else, is a matter of keeping your eye on the ball.  Everybody else will keep you up on the play-by-play action.  That’s where the fun is.

Whitaker Online is aimed at winning the World Series years from now.



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