Whitaker's Current Articles September 6, 2003



Fun Quote:

America is truly The Land of Opportunity.   In Europe you have to be born a bastard.  In America you do it yourself.

                                             Bigotry is Healthier Than Self-Hate                                       

"Would you fight your brother?   Would you fight for the rights of another?"   These words are the mantra of the History Channel.  These words embrace our present idea of American idealism.

Meanwhile in California the front runner for the governorship is a Hispanic who has already been elected lieutenant governor.  He belongs to a Hispanic organization whose motto is, "Everything for our race, nothing for others."

Lieutenant Governor Bustamente of California has refused to renounce or to denounce this group.

Conservatives are offended by Bustamente's stand.

I'm not.

Hispanic voters in the United States have made it very, very clear that their only loyalty is to Mexico.   If you want the Hispanic vote, you give everything to illegal immigrants: welfare, tuition, preferences, driver's licenses, and no questions asked.   I am a political realist, so I don't go into my Moral Outrage Act the way conservatives do.

The reality is that Hispanics who happen to be born in the United States are loyal to Mexicans.

What offends me is not that Hispanics who happen to have been born in the United States demand everything for Mexicans.   America gave them the vote and they have a right to do whatever they want to with it.  

The sicko here is not the Mexican who happens to reside in the United States.  Like any other normal human being, he favors the people who look and talk like him.  That's how evolution works. That's the only reason there ARE people who look and talk like him.

Survival of the fittest has no mercy on a group that does not seek its own preservation.

It is not "American" Hispanics who are the unnatural ones.  The sicko here is the guy who says, "Kill your brother.  Kill for the right of someone else to vote for their own people against mine."


         The "Melting Pot" Theory Says That You Keep America by Giving it Away         

Conservatives worship the melting pot and they say giving America away to third world immigration just makes America more American.

When I was in Washington, the big agricultural lobbies loved foreign aid. America backed trade deals where Russia bought wheat from America and then forgave the loans.  While the Soviet Union threatened our very existence, we kept them going with American wheat that American taxpayers ended up paying for.

We kept the Soviet Union going for seventy years with our free food, from the Hoover Commission in 1920 to the very end of the Cold War.  Now we do it for North Korea.

Congressmen backing this wheat giveaway to the USSR had a theory.   They said that giving free food to other countries was good for America.   They used a very complicated economic theory called "the multiplier."

Like so much in economics (I used to teach it) the flaw in this theory was just too boring for people to listen to.

So my answer was different.  I said that if giving things away was good for America, we should do good for me, too.   Instead of giving stuff to foreigners and getting us all those benefits indirectly, they should give lots and lots of money to ME, right here in the United States.

If that multiplier magic worked out, America would benefit by giving ME billions of dollars at taxpayer expense.   And unlike the Russkis, I was not the enemy.

Nobody listened to me.  Worse still, nobody gave me a damn thing.

                         A Conservative Spokesman Has to be an Intellectual Baby                  

We have all watched babies try to give us things.   This is charming in a baby, because we know the baby doesn't realize that if he gives us his sucker or his doll, he no longer has it.  It will be a year or so before a child realizes that when he gives something away he no longer has it.

When someone tells you you can give away American food to our enemies and come out ahead, he is being baby in a more complicated way.  But he is still being a mental infant.

That's why you have to be a retard to be a conservative spokesman.   A conservative spokesman has to say that if we give our country away to the third world, we will still have it.  

Conservative spokesmen keep quoting the inscription on the Statue of Liberty as True Americanism.  That inscription says the whole world s should dump its surplus population into the United States:

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore."

Emma Lazarus wrote that inscription. 

Emma Lazarus said that the American ideal was "the melting pot."  All conservative spokesmen love that "melting pot"! 

Emma Lazarus preached "the melting pot" for America.  Israel Zangwill invented that "melting pot" concept.

Emma Lazarus and Israel Zangwill were Jews, and both of them wanted massive immigration into America so that America would not continue to be ruled by white gentiles. 

But Emma Lazarus and Israel Zangwill agreed that Jews should NOT be melted into a melting pot.  They both wanted a homeland especially for Jews.

Neither Zangwill nor Lazarus was stupid enough to think that a Jewish homeland would be more Jewish if it became a melting pot.

And neither Zangwill nor Lazarus would have killed their brother for the rights of another.  Zangwill and Lazarus were not mentally ill.  

You have to be sicko to want your people melted into a melting pot.  You have to be a sicko to consider it ideal to kill your brother for the rights of another.

You have to be a conservative to want your people melted into a melting pot.  You have to be a conservative to consider it ideal to kill your brother for the rights of another.



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Editor: Rick Rowland
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