Whitaker's Current Articles August 23, 2003


Fun Quote:

The man in uniform works for a guy in a coat and tie.  The guy in a coat and tie works for somebody who wears what he damned well pleases.

                                             Conservatives are Sophomores                                              

The word sophomore means “sophisticated moron.” It was invented when many students still studied Greek, so the “sopho” is from the ancient Greek word for wisdom, from which the word  ”sophisticate” also derives The “more” in sophomore is from the Greek word for fool, from which the word “moron” also derives.

Last week’s WhitakerOnline talked about one of the many sophomoric comments conservatives are always making. Conservatives look very, very wise, and then they say, “Free enterprise requires that there be free movement of goods AND LABOR.”

It takes a fool not to realize that labor VOTES. Immigrants go from the country they have ruined to a new country, and the trick is not to let them destroy the new one. But the poor dumb conservative has finally gotten some understanding of the free market, which is more than any liberal will ever do, and he thinks he is wise.

Conservatives used that stupid phrase, “Free enterprise requires the free movement of goods AND LABOR” to fight for open borders for many critical years. The growing minority vote that the liberals own is largely their doing.

Someone who says, “Free enterprise requires the free movement of goods AND LABOR” is wise enough to understand what a free market is about, but he is still an absolute, destructive fool.

                                      It's Called Supply AND DEMAND                                             

One reason conservatives are so bubble-headed is because they preach “supply and demand” but they never pay any attention to demand.

Conservatives talk about how a good economy requires grim self-discipline or hard work on the part of producers, but no conservative ever mentions what kind of buyer that makes a good economy. They say German goods are good because of the German work ethic, but is that really why German goods have to be good?

German products have to be clean because Germans won’t accept anything dirty. If you produce something crappy and sell it to a South American or a Frenchman, he will give one of those famous Latin shrugs and not worry about it.  If a German’s watch quits, he goes ape.

Everybody likes to say how sophisticated those wonderful Latins are when they just shrug when something is dirty or breaks down.  But the fact is we would rather buy something a German would buy.  But if you listen to a conservative talking about economics, you would never think about that.

German goods are worth having because Germans won’t accept less. Germans produce good stuff because of German demand.  But if you listen to a conservative talk about supply and demand, you would never know that.

                                     "Hispanic" Attitudes Have a Fatal Flaw                                       

Oh , how philosophical those Latins are!  They don’t take things so seriously.  If their water is dirty or products are shoddy, they shout “C’est la Vie!” and shrug in a sophisticated way.

How wonderful!! How Wise!

Unless, of course, you would rather have water that is clean and products that work. To have those things you have to live among people who will accept nothing less.

Those who talk about "Hispanic culture" glory in the Mexican attitude. But real Mexicans keep desperately trying to get OUT of Mexico and into the United States. The United States has that Northern European attitude that won’t put up with what Mexicans take for granted.

I don’t want a bunch of third worlders in America for exactly the same reason that the third world wants to be here. All third worlders demand is an America that is like the countries they come from, except for the wages.

Third worlders will accept a level of dirt and poverty in their homelands that no American would stand for a minute. Big businessmen think that’s wonderful. It means labor is cheaper.

The same thing goes for government. The third world minority vote demands very little. They are not spoiled like Americans are. The third world voter is happy to accept promises instead of results. They don’t ask that anything actually WORK.

Conservatives have been saying that they were going to get the minority vote for the last fifty years. Conservatives say crime is a far more serious problem in minority areas than it is in white areas, so minorities will soon be voting for them and for their Law and Order platforms.

But crime has steadily gotten worse in minority communities, but they are just as slavishly liberal as they ever were.

In America, minorities do not demand results.

In Africa and Latin America the police kick people around routinely in ways no American whites would allow for a minute. Third worlders do not demand results. Their water is dirty, they take starvation wages, their products don’t work, and their governments are awful.

So if all those people come to America, what kind of magic will keep America so different from the countries they came from?

A country full of third worlders becomes the third world. But conservatives will never think of that.

                                         Another Little "Wake Up Call"                                                

The entire electrical system of the Northeastern United States collapsed again last week. That's the third time that has happened in my memory.

Nobody will get fired. Nobody will get blamed. It's another "wake up call."

When three thousand Americans were killed on September 11, 2001, it was a "wake up call" that told our intelligent services that they needed to watch terrorists. But we didn't want to be mean about it.

I think that when an intelligence agency fails to give needed information to another, the person who did that should be fired and charged with a felony.

I am a tough customer. And that is only way you will ever get results. A tough customer makes a good economy. A tough voter makes a good government. Democracy is a system of government where people get what they deserve. Democracy is a system of government where people get what they ask for.


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Editor: Rick Rowland
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