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Fun Quote --

A general being interviewed was asked what he learned in the Gulf War.  He said he found that tanks stopped working because they got sand in them.

I see  his point.  How could the Pentagon have guessed that the Arabian desert has sand in it?

                                            "America  Wins the Wars but Loses the Peace"                                                              

It is an axiom of American history that America wins the fighting and loses the peace.

For example, America won World War I for the Allies in a matter of months after they had been bogged down in trench warfare for four years.   It was a famous victory.

But World War I led directly to World War II.

America was instrumental in destroying Nazi Germany and militaristic Japan.  It was supposed to victory over tyranny.  But over the next decade a quarter of the entire human race was turned over to Communism in Europe and Asia.

                                  You are Watching America Win the War and Lose the Peace Again                                         

The fact that America wins wars and loses the peace is supposed to be great mystery.

This is WhitakerOnline, and what we do here is explain the obvious.  We kill mysteries.

For instance respectable conservatives say that leftism is brilliant and idealistic but flawed.   They say the failures of liberalism and socialism and Communism are mysterious and complex. 

Meanwhile, back here in the real world WhitakerOnline lives in, leftism is just plain silly.

By the same token there is nothing complicated about why we win wars and lose in the post-War period.

You are watching America win a war and lose a peace right now.   Once again, everybody will say that there is something terribly complicated about what is wrong with our post-war strategy.

Again, the real problem is not complicated.  When we talk about the war we have clear goals and are practical.  The instant we start talking about post-war policy we get silly.

We win wars because our planning for war makes sense.  We lose the post-War because  our planning for the post-War period is always ridiculous.

                               To Persuade Americans to Go to War, You Have to be Rational                                                  

It is hard to get America into a war.   We got into World War I after Germany said its subs would sink any ship on the Atlantic, including ours.   We got into World War II after Japan attacked us and Hitler declared war on us.

We know what winning a war is.  It is a huge job and America is great at huge jobs.   Those forces going into Iraq are highly professional.  

But the instant you get into talking about “post-War Iraq”, every word is dripping with imbecility.   People start babbling about what government we should impose on Iraq and how much money we owe the Iraqi people.  Everybody agrees that Iraq owes us nothing at all.

 Compare the Justifications for Getting into War and the Justification of After-War Policy

                   Compare the Justifications for Getting into War to the Justification of After-War Strategy                  

The minute any country starts talking about an ideal government for another country, it is ridiculous.  The instant anybody starts talking about how much they owe other countries, they get silly.

So let us look at the justifications we use to get into this war:   We have to argue that getting into this war is in our national interest.

It may be true that this war is in our national interest or it may not be true that this war is in our national interest, but the discussion on that point makes sense.   We are talking about our own national interests, which is something we know about.

When we are talking about self-defense or our national interest, the whole world can agree that that is a justification for going to war.   We may make a right decision or we might make a wrong decision, but the decision itself is not ridiculous.

The instant anybody starts talking about a post-War Iraq all self-interest is forgotten.  We begin to debate what is good for the Iraqis.   We begin to assess how much of our money we owe Iraqis.    We join OPEC, because if we got Iraqi oil at a price below that set by OPEC we would selfish and imperialistic.

We go into every war with a debate on whether we have a national self-interest in doing so.   That is why we win wars.

We go into all post-War planning worrying about the well-being of the people we defeated and those we fought with.  Our discussion of post-War Iraq, like our earlier discussions of  post World War Europe, does not include a single word about our own self-interest.  It is our proudest boast that we fight wars and get absolutely nothing out of it.

It has never occurred to anybody that if we looked to our own national interest in the post-War period, we might actually win a peace for a change.

                                          Iraq is a Ridiculous Geographic Combination                                                                    

All the commentators agree that America “ must maintain the territorial integrity of Iraq.


Well, first, Lincoln maintained the territorial integrity of the United States.     What Lincoln felt was good for Americans is also good for Iraqis.

Actually Iraq is a ridiculous combination of hostile peoples.  Iraq was set up by the British Empire.   Why should the “territorial integrity” of a British colony be important for Iraqis?

But the moment we start talking about “what is good for Iraqis” we start imposing Abraham Lincoln on a former colony.

One reason you get a dictator like Saddam in a place like Iraq is because it takes a despot to hold that hostile, ridiculous combination together.  

What we should do is look to our own interests.    It would be better to split Iraq up into smaller, more homogeneous and stable units.   Iraq cannot be a democracy and keep its present geography.

We don’t know what is good for Iraq, but we do know that a united Iraq has been bad for us.   If each people makes an agreement on the basis of what they know is best for themselves, we might get a rational conclusion out of this.

That’s not going to happen.   We’ve learned nothing.  We are going to send Abe Lincoln ghost to Iraq.

We are also going to join OPEC against ourselves.   We should use Iraq to break OPEC.   That would be a terrific service to our own people.   The despots who rule in the Islamic world would not be able to control the world with their oil.

That’s not going to happen.   All the commentators are glorying in the fact that this war will do nothing for us.

There is nothing complicated  about why America wins wars and loses the peace.   We are winning a war and losing a peace right now.


                                            American Self-Interest Would Avoid a Battle of Baghdad                                               

As I keep pointing out, if urban guerrillas hole up in Baghdad, what you should do is but off the water and wait.   Why on earth would we slaughter our troops to fight street to street in Baghdad?

The only reason we would fight street to street in Baghdad is for the Iraqis.   We will say that they need their capital city soon or we will say “We must finish the job” or some other ridiculous motto.

And, of course, there is always the battle-cry of slavery, “Ah, the CHILDREN!!!”   If the guerrillas hold some Iraqi women and children no number of American lives would be too many to save them.

If we stick with self-interest, an interest in the lives of our own troops, as the Constitution tells us to, there will be no Battle of Baghdad.

                                                  Has Anybody Noticed that We are joining OPEC?                                                     

Bush would rather die than be condemned by liberals, and liberals have said this war is for cheap oil.

Has anybody considered what it means if this war does NOT obtain cheap oil?

We will have to be sure that Iraqi oil goes out at the "normal" price.  What is the "normal" price?

The "
Normal" price is the price set by the OPEC cartel.   In fact, all OPEC consists of is a group of countries who agree not to sell oil below the price OPEC sets.

When we agree to sell Iraqi oil at the OPEC price, we join OPEC.


Current Issue
March 22, 2003 Editor: Rick Rowland
© 2003 WhitakerOnLine.org

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