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-- Fun Quote

There is a whispering campaign going on behind my back.

 They’re saying I’m paranoid.


Real Loyalty Versus American "Patriotism"

O'Reilly is upset that a Moslem FBI agent reused to wear a wire when 
meeting with Arabs suspected of terrorism.  "A Moslem," said the FBI 
agent, "Does not record other Moslems."

So what's the problem?   

When O'Reilly asked John McCain whether Mexican-Americans should vote 
on immigration policy in the interests of other Americans, McCain said 
flatly that Hispanic Americans owed their loyalty to "Hispanic 
culture."   O'Reilly did not say a word.


So why should anybody be upset at the Moslem who is following McCain's 

No one faults a Jew for demanding that Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard be 
released.   Alan Dershowitz demands Pollard's release and is constantly 
warning that America is out to get the Jews.   Geraldo Riviera states 
that he would give his life for Israel.   Evangelical Christian leaders 
keep telling us that America is nice, but God is only interested in 

American "Patriots" are Hypocrites

You know the rules:

American "patriotism" is a fake.  Loyalty to minorities is real.

I am sick of all the fake caterwauling about America's men and women 
dying in combat.   

Spare me the fertilizer!   Nobody cares about America's borders and 
none of these "patriots" will challenge McCain.  They don't care about 
a bunch of white gentiles in uniform.

If anybody cared about real Americans, somebody would say something 
about McCain saying Hispanic-Americans should be loyal to Mexico.   
Nobody said a single word.

Nobody said a word because we all know McCain was stating the real 
rules as they really exist.

So please spare me the blubbering.

That Moslem agent who refused to tape Moslem terrorists is a real 
American patriot as America demands.

If this isn't true, don't contradict me, contradict McCain.

If They'll Turn on Me, They'll Turn on You

Turkey suddenly decided not to let American troops use its territory to
attack Iraq.

Turkey is not loyal to the United States because the United States was 
not loyal to them.   Before Desert Storm in 1991, Turkey threw itself 
behind the United States against Iraq.  President Bush let them take on 
enormous cost and gave them nothing at all in return.

The same President Bush Senior urged the Kurds to rise up against 
Saddam with a promise of support.  They rose and Bush let Saddam kill 
them by the thousands.

Ross Perot gave numerous examples of the Bush White House calling on 
him for help and then dropping him the second they got what they 
wanted.   He said, "They rode me hard and put me up wet."

In 1988, Ronald Reagan got Bush elected president.  Conservatives, 
whose first loyalty is always to stupidity, threw themselves into 
Bush's campaign.  

The minute Bush took over the presidency he cleared out every single 
Reagan appointee.  Early in 1989, one operative bragged openly that he 
had been the first to get rid of all the Reagan people in his area.

Does anybody notice a pattern?  

Well, not one person has ever mentioned a pattern in President Bush, 
Senior's behavior.   No one mentions McCain's definition of loyalty.

Anybody notice a pattern here?

What do You Expect of a Moderate?

Well, gee, who would have guessed that the first President Bush, a professional moderate, 
would sell everybody out the second he had used them?

Republican moderation has always been an active, open lack of  principle.  Moderates say 
they are being Shrewd because you get votes by going halfway, no matter what they believe.   
Moderates use the stupid conservatives to give something real to liberals so liberals will love them.

Who could have guessed that a person who openly declares a political  principle like that, 
might just sell YOU out?

Former president James Earl Carter from Georgia denounces the United  States and our enemies 
are his friends.   He loves Castro.   He constantly declares that America is evil.

The way Carter got started in national politics was by denouncing Southerners and segregation.  
Who could have guessed that the guy who started by selling out his own people would be selling 
out America when it makes him look good?

Bush Senior was a professional moderate Republican.   Jimmy Carter was a professional moderate Democrat.

Does anybody notice a pattern here?

Moderates shout from the rooftops that their entire reason for being is to sell people out.   
When they sell us out, we all shout "DUHHH!"  again.

I am probably the only person who notices a pattern here.   If anybody else does, they never mention it. 

                                            The McCain File                                                                 

Only McCain and the North Vietnamese know what he told the interrogators.  McCain insists that he showed not the slightest heroism.  He insists that he gave them information to survive.  He names others who did not and who died for it.   He says he did not want to die so he cooperated.

 According to the public record and his own words, McCain cooperated with the enemy from the very first.

Vietnam has the McCain file.   Senator John McCain is the best friend that North Vietnam has in the United States Senate.   Every group looking for American POWs in Vietnam hates him.

Some day that file may surface.   McCain is ready for that.   He has made it very, very clear that he gave the Viet Cong what he wanted.   It is other people who keep insisting that he heroically resisted.  McCain insists that he did no such thing.

I believe him.



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Issue: Mar. 15, 2003
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