Why Lincoln Republicans Can't Handle Politics

A person who is loyal to everything is loyal to nothing.  This is why "Lincoln Republicans" can never play real politics.
Bush operatives are out there meeting with liberal black leaders and ignoring conservative ones.   Cries of dismay are coming from the conservative rank and file. Where the hell have they been since the Gettysburg Address?
America adopted a Constitution dedicated it to "We the People of the United States of America".  This means America was dedicated to Americans.  Abraham Lincoln declared in the Gettysburg Address that America was dedicated to "ALL MEN are created equal".
He meant it.
President Bush wants what is best for All Men.  A Mexican is as good as an American.   He does not see himself as violating his oath of office when he refuses to enforce our immigration laws. Like Lincoln, he feels he has a Higher Loyalty.
This becomes a matter of practical politics.  If he had his way, Bush would love to give more to minorities who vote Democratic than to whites who vote Republican.  This would prove that he has no prejudice.
As a matter of principle you cannot devote yourself to "We the People of the United States" if all your effort goes into making all men equal.  

But that is not just a matter of principle.  Favoring your own people is the only way real politics can be practiced.   If you want people to vote your way, you have to make it pay your friends to support you.  If you want people to vote your way, you have to make voting the other way a costly business.
Most of Nevada belongs to the Federal Government.   When Nevada kept voting Republican, President Clinton hit them hard on land policy.   By contrast, Republicans desperately want everybody to see that no minority will be shunned just because it blindly supports our political enemies.

Frankly My Dear. . .

How do I stand on the war in Iraq?   Do I think it is moral or evil?   I am told I must worry about how it affects Iraqis and Israelis and whether it is moral to attack Iraq while we let North Korea get away with worse.
How do I stand on abortion?  How do I stand on Family Values, prayers in school, the interest rate, nuclear proliferation, the infrastructure, the environment, labor unions, congressional pay, welfare reform, and so on and so on and so on.
I have some opinions on most things, but most things are not that important to me.   On most issues I frankly don't give a damn.

You have to be economical about the number of ideas you are loyal to and the number of people you are loyal to.
A person who is loyal to everything is loyal to nothing.   Every traitor claims that he is not being disloyal, he is just being Idealistic and Objective.
Our latest traitor, the American Taliban John Walker, honestly believes that he is not disloyal for being against America because his version of Islam is good for all mankind.
If you extrapolate from the astonishing revelations from KGB files, thousands of Americans worked for Stalin's Soviet Union against the United States.   Every one of them felt that he was just being for the Universal Truth of Communism and against provincial prejudice.
Harvard professor Noel Ignatiev says that "Treason to the white race is loyalty to humanity."   If you take a routine history course that blames white people for everything the way Hitler blamed the Jews for everything you have to agree with Ignatiev.  
Every "Lincoln Republican" I know agrees with Ignatiev and won't say so.  He is not honest enough to say so.
National Pro-Life leaders say that their only loyalty is to little babies of all races.  They want a colored world as badly as any liberal does.  This, they say, is not hatred of their own race, but loyalty to all humanity.
National "Christian" spokesmen are working to get colored children adopted into every white region of America.   Ignatiev would certainly approve, but he and his fellow non-Christian leftists could not accomplish this for themselves.

 Loyalties are Precious

A person who is fanatical on every issue is useless on the important ones.  He can make no agreements for the sake of the important issues because he is already committed on all of them.

If you treasure your loyalty you cannot throw it around.   How many conservative movements have been destroyed because of disagreements on one of the hundred Matters of Principle every conservative has to be monomaniacal about?
If you give your loyalty freely to every people or to every issue conservatives bring up you cannot expect anyone to take your allegiance seriously.
Loyalty to everything is loyalty to nothing.

Two last reminders:
 As I said in "Wordism", May 15, 1999, there are thousands of principles that claim to be Universal Truths.  Anyone who claims to unite THIS world with his particular Universal Truth out of the thousands of Universal truths out there actually divides humanity more than a racist or a nationalist does.   
 As I said in   September 4, 1999,  ONLY NATIONALISM CAN ALLOW FREEDOM OF THOUGHT:     If your loyalty is to a single Universal Truth, you cannot allow any real freedom of thought.  Anyone who argues against your particular Univeral Principles is trying to break up your particular version of Wordist Universalism.

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