National Review Responds to Bob

The following was published in the last National Review:

Dear Mr. Buckley:

Re a certain column of yours: The "southern states" and the "Southern states" are two totally distinct entities. The most southerly state is Hawaii. California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas border on Mexico. Three of those four are not usually included in the term "Southern" and, according to Lyndon Johnson, neither should Texas be. And, of course, Puerto Rico would be included in "the south." In fact, "southern" includes many more states that are not Southern and they total tens of millions in population.

Robert W. Whitaker
Columbia, SC

Dear Mr. Whitaker: Yes, of course, and the confusion is common.

Cordially, WFB (William F. Buckley)


CNN Jerks the Old Liberal Knee

Last week we talked about how puzzled reporters have been that white gentile children being kidnapped and murdered has gotten so much attention lately. They point out that forty or fifty such kids are grabbed and done away with by perverts every year. What's the problem?

Those kids are almost always killed by criminals liberal crime policy lets back on the streets, so the media don't like discussing it. It has no "news hook" value, which means it has no value to some liberal cause.

National media are still talking about the 2000 murder of a black man by being dragged behind a pickup truck and an earlier murder of a young man for being homosexual. Those crimes were newsworthy because they were useful, but non-minority kids being murdered has no such value.

Nobody remembers anything, so we got a useful reminder on the Cable News Network of how this "useful news only" rule worked perfectly before the advent of Fox Cable News. We have been listening to reports about the Washington, DC, area sniper for a week with no "news hook."

So CNN did what it has always done when there was a crime: they started talking about gun control. They cross examined police experts about whether a gun control law would take care of this situation. They had a debate on gun control.

A couple of years ago every police official would have said that gun control was at least a part of the solution. It was the ONLY crime solution liberals ever offered, so everybody had to say it was very, very important.

But sometimes the bad guys do lose. Like all liberal policies, gun control doesn't work. It either increases crime or leaves it the same.

Gun control is very, very important to the media because it is the ONLY measure that liberals advocate that sounds anti-crime. Actually, if you poll any prison population you will find that almost every felon is all for gun control. Every liberal policy is pro-criminal, but this is the only one that at least SOUNDS like it's "getting tough."

So CNN did what all national media have always done: a crime spree meant a push for gun control. But this time it didn't seem to take.

Is it possible that liberalism may be seen to be so silly that even the national media have to suppress their knee-jerk reactions? Respectable conservatives are paid to regard leftism with great seriousness. But despite respectable conservative efforts, the sheer silliness of the idea that college professors should rule the world seems to be collapsing under the weight of its own failure.


Thank God For Phil!

Liberals want everybody to forget everything that liberals used to predict. They used to say that socialism was inevitable and efficient. Now not only do they not say that, their respectable conservative helpers forget they ever said that. They used to say that genetics had no effect on human action. With DNA and gene-tracking, respectable conservatives must forget liberals ever said that.

Pretty well everything that every Liberal Intellectual used to shout loudly is forgotten. So that CNN attempt to "news hook" the sniper for gun control was a reminder that no respectable conservative is going to mention.

In fact, Phil Donahue is the only regular reminder we have of at least a part of what the liberal faith used to be when there was no one to laugh at it. With Arab terrorists killing thousands, Donahue's only concern is that Arabs may be profiled. Even blacks, the liberals' most slavish supporters, favor profiling Arabs more than whites do.

Chris Matthews, who is on MSNBC just before Phil Donahue, is openly complaining that Phil could destroy his program. Old Phil is singing the old song and wagging his head in that way that always used to convince the housewives, but he is trying to sell that crap to an intellectually mature audience that was raised with all of Donahue's favorite social policies in action.

I hate Phil Donahue, but he is a great counterbalance to the pro-liberal efforts of respectable conservatives. He still truly believes that if you are nice to criminals they will be nice, too. He truly believes that bureaucrats and college professors are the only people who know how to run the economy and the only people not driven by guilt. He maintains his faith that, despite its disastrous failure in the past, educational experimentation will be a big success in the future.

As long as respectable conservatives rule the opposition, the only reminders we have of the old "Truly Intellectual" knee-jerk left are those who will never learn,like CNN and Phil.

Where Blondes Come From

There was a report in the news that WHO, the World Health Organization, had announced that there would be no more blondes on earth in two hundred years. WHO had made no such announcement.

It will be a lot less than two hundred years before real blondes are wiped out. There will be people with blond hair in two hundred years but they will be yellow-haired people with Oriental or Negroid features.

If a black child suffers extreme vitamin deficiency, he develops reddish hair as a symptom. So in a world without whites, there will be plenty of fair-haired children. They'll just be sick colored people the way most people were before whites came along or they'll be horrible-looking mixes, also with food deficiencies.

Genocide against whites is an evil thing, but nobody likes to say so. Buchanan likes to say whites are disappearing, but it's only because they don't have enough religion or because we are getting an empire not a republic.

The most miscegenated countries on earth have plenty of religion. But brown countries with more religion are just as stagnant and hopeless as ones without. A world without whites will be the same way.

My deepest apologies to Pat Buchanan and to the Reverend Ike, but God will NOT provide you with a brand new Cadillac for giving money to the preacher.

But it sounds much better to talk about Family Values or about A Republic, Not an Empire than it does to say flatly that whites are unique and doing away with them is EVIL. No one dares say "I am white, and I refuse to give up my race."

See September 14, 2002 - White Race Traitors Are the True Idealists.

So we quote Alan Keyes to show how non-racist we are, and talk in grandiose terms about empires and Family Values.

Sorry, but the real world is not designed to let you say only what makes you look good. On Judgment Day the question will be what you did about two simple four-letter words, Good and Evil.



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