In earlier centuries, book publishing was instant communication. It might take you a year or more to go from manuscript to a printed book, but the world changed very little in a year.

In our day it still takes the publishing bureaucracy a year to get a book out and these days an awful lot happens in a year.

The year before the first sheep was cloned a scientist submitted his final manuscript for a book to come out the following year. One of the things he proved conclusively was that scientists would never be able to clone an animal. The first cloned sheep and the book came out the same month.

This made this particular scientist the best known man in his field. All the media mentioned him, which, for a hard science man, is a lot of publicity. His career is going very nicely, thank you.

Being wrong HELPED his career. This is not unusual.

Very few people I know ever go back and read old conservative writings. So everyone who finally does actually read old conservative writings thinks he has made a unique discovery. It turns out that the person he reads was psychic!

Predictions about the future from the Old South are uncannily accurate. Segregationist writings about what would happen with integration are dead accurate. Conservative predictions about the results of liberal programs are right on target, and nothing liberals say ever works out.

In 1985, not one single paid Soviet expert had the slightest inkling about the collapse of the USSR. Every single paid Russian expert today is either one of those who were paid in 1985 or they were given their credentials by people who were paid Soviet experts in 1985. Being wrong meant less than nothing.

Futurology is defined as an attempt to predict the future. It is nothing of the sort. Futurologists are people who are PAID to predict the future and are PUBLISHED when they write about the future. Here is the important point: Nobody will ever go back over what the futurologists predicted and say who was right and who was wrong.

To the futurologist, predicting the future is totally irrelevant. What he must do is GET PAID to write about the future and get his predictions on the future PUBLISHED. Being paid and published NOW is all that matters for a professional futurologist.

If a futurologist predicts anything Politically Incorrect, he will lose his job as a futurologist and no one will publish his predictions. No futurologist ever predicts anything that offends today's publishers or media managers.

Like today's history, today's futurology is a Just-So Story in which everything past and present fits in perfectly with the picture Politically Correct people want. Any future that doesn't fit will get you fired, and any past that doesn't fit will mean you never get published again.



"The Visigoths have crossed the Alps into Italy, and the Roman Senate is debating an economic stimulus package."
- Pat Buchanan

I am appealing the death sentence that Political Correctness has pronounced on the white race.

It is true that INDIVIDUAL blacks, Asians, Indians and Chinese and Japanese do very, very well IN A WHITE SOCIETY.

Everybody does better in a white society.

Libertarians and liberals want all the presently white majority countries to mix into a uniformly brown group. My problem is that everywhere that has happened, people are stagnant and poor. Liberals and libertarians say that that will not happen if white majority countries all mix into a uniform brown this time.

They prove it by arresting or ruining anyone who disagrees.

Brown people do very well in a society built by whites. Everybody does better in a society built by whites.


People insist that if non-whites do well in a white society, a society made up of brown people will lead the world just as well as a white society does. So, they say, whites need to disappear into a melting pot.

And with our present mode of thought, no one but me would notice that this is total self-contradiction. That scares me.



I did well in advanced calculus at school. This does not mean that if there were no calculus, Robert Whitaker would just go ahead and invent it.

I keep getting letters from people who insist that since Asians do well in Silicon Valley, Asian society would have invented computer technology if we hadn't. I have actually been told that since black professional baseball players get paid far more than scientists, a black society would be just as productive as a white one if it weren't for White Evil.

Do not ask whether these people are serious. They are deadly serious. In fact, if you say anything else, you will never get paid or published.

Recently I pointed out that it was the Japanese who recently combined animal and plant genes for the first time. Does that mean that, if white people had never existed, the Japanese would be combining animal and plant genes anyway? If you insist on anything else, you will be professionally ruined in America and you will actually go to prison in Europe.

Please, please PLEASE read February 23, 2002 - THANK GOD FOR READERS WHO CAN READ AND THINK.



According to Politically Correct history, white people just copied what the Middle East had done before the Middle Ages and then built Western Civilization, complete with the Moon shot. If you want to get hired or published, you have to insist that any people, brown or black or yellow or white, not only could have done the same thing, they WOULD have done the same thing.

So once Japan caught up with the United States technologically, Asia would make new FUNDAMENTAL advances, as far ahead of the Apollo Mission as the moon shot was ahead of a camel train in the ancient Middle East.

I wish Asians were able to forge ahead of us. I would be happy if there were people who pushed ahead of us in technology and gave us all the benefits this would produce. I wish Asia would forge ahead and I wish that we, like Mexico, had a Great Northern Neighbor to feel sorry for us and send us money. Please see February 23, 2002 - WHAT IF WE HAD A GREAT NORTHERN NEIGHBOR LIKE MEXICO DOES?

So far, Asia has done what it always does. It reached a new level and then stagnated. It just happened faster this time than it has in past history. Everything happens faster these days.

All the paid experts say that Asia will push ahead of the West the way the West left the Middle East in the dust. If they don't say that, they don't get paid or published.

But as the fellow says, "I, I am skeptical."

I think whites should be preserved. The present world program is immigration and integration into ALL white majority countries and ONLY into white majority countries.

Nobody is insisting that Japan accept massive third world immigration, but they are insisting that the more crowded Netherlands be immigrated and integrated to brownness. Anyone in the Netherlands who disagrees goes to PRISON.

I am arguing that this death sentence on the white race should be appealed.


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