



Too many people insist that American foreign policy should sacrifice our own interests for the interests of others. That sounds too sweet to be wrong.

But there is a murderous Catch-22 that comes in when you decide to forget your own interests and devote your foreign policy to the interests of others.

In order to pursue the interests of other people, you have to decide what their interests really are. When you start deciding what the true interests of a foreign country are, you have switched into an imperialist mentality.

Leftist thinking does not consider this because leftism is always colonial. Leftists talk about self-determination and freedom but they don't mean a word of it. In fact, they don't understand that freedom means that you are free to go one's own way, even if leftists think that way is bad for you.

Besides, the whole basis of American liberalism is self-hatred on the part of Americans and especially of white people. A foreign policy based on national self-interest would be a complete impossibility for our leftist foreign policy establishment even to understand.

In order to allow other nations to exist, you have to be a nationalist yourself. The instant you go beyond your national self-interest in actions abroad, you begin being an imperialist.



National self-interest is the only basis of a moral, non-imperialistic foreign policy. It is also the one approach that foreigners can understand and sympathize with.

A foreign policy based on anything but national self-interest is colonialist because you have no right to decide what is in anybody's best interests but your own. Your only legitimate business is literally your own business.

More important, a foreign policy based on anything but self-interest becomes suicidal. That is the real lesson of Vietnam. No one could understand exactly why we were there. So instead of deciding to either fight a war or get out, we fought half a war in Vietnam.

I think one thing we should agree on here is that you can be pro-war or you can be antiwar, but no rational person can support half a war.

The only reason we should be in Afghanistan is because they helped kill six thousand Americans. On that basis we have to decide whether to hit back with everything we have or to stay out.

In other words, America must either forgive and forget or come out like a raging lion. Anything in between leads straight to a Vietnam.

Right after the September 11 attack, the world realized that the only remaining superpower had the right to be a raging lion. A smaller attack at Pearl Harbor had led to our only atomic war.

So how would President George Bush the Younger react? Would he react like Clinton and say American history shows we are just terrorists ourselves?

Would George Bush Junior be an unapologetic pro-American like Reagan?

Or would George W. Bush try to be like his father and say he was "gentler and kinder" than that awful Reagan had been?

He came out like a lion. On September 11 President George W. Bush told the world that you were either with us or you were on the side of the terrorists.

The lion roared and the world went along unanimously. Everybody wanted to get out of the line of fire. Even Iran and Iraq were chilled to the bone at the idea of an America with whom all bets were off.

Everybody understood it when the United States reacted like a wounded lion. Like it or not, everybody knew where we were coming from. We were coming out like a superpower that had had six thousand of its people murdered. There was no self-hatred here.

Then it became business as usual. Bush began to tell others that they could do as much or as little as they chose. We dithered over supporting our enemy's enemies in Afghanistan because they might not form the sort of government that would be good for Afghanistan.

So our new "allies" began to dither.

Finally we dropped the "what's good for Afghanistan" nonsense and helped the Northern Alliance go ahead and defeat our enemy.

The lesson is that you must never go to war at all unless you are ready to be a lion.



I think the way my readers do. The mission of Whitaker Online is do the intellectual spadework of digging out, in depth, the basic mistakes that America is making.

To us, our approach is simple sanity, but in our "1984" style world, simple sanity takes a lot of explaining. This is hard and frustrating work.

Our present situation is a good example. You understand where I am coming from, but what I say is very confusing to most people today.

Here I am demanding absolute militancy. Yet no one has expressed more doubts about how we got into this situation or more fear about where it could go than I have.

So I am clearly not with those who consider our total pro-Israeli foreign policy a holy cause. So I don't want an all-out war in the Middle East for Israel. I am called anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews because I refuse to hate all of Israel's enemies blindly

No one has expressed more doubts and fears about this war than I have. So when it comes to the hawks versus the doves, shouldn't I be somewhere between a hawk and a dove? On the contrary, I just wrote an article demanding that Bush be not just a hawk but a lion!

Most of my readers have no problem with this.

Sergeant York, a Christian from Tennessee, had a long struggle with his conscience over whether he should fight in World War I or be a conscientious objector. But when he did decide to fight he became the most decorated American soldier in that war. You and I understand that, but it is very confusing for the people who got us into Vietnam.

To the people who got us into Vietnam, war is a two-dimensional line from dove to hawk. You can be for war, you can be for peace, or you can be somewhere in between. So in Vietnam, America fought a respectable war, a moderate war, a war based on compromise.

This is not the way the world looks in the eyes of sanity. To us war is not a compromise situation and soldier's lives are not chess pieces.

There is hawk and there is dove and then there are TWO positions between hawk and dove. A person who wants to fight half a war is between a hawk and a dove. He is also insane.

But you can have a hard time deciding between peace and war because you understand that being for war means going all the way. It is hard choice not because it is such a clear choice.

The other position is one that sane people understand the way that Sergeant York did. To a sane person the only choice is between no action or a real war.

When you don't face that real choice, you get Vietnams.


Respectable conservatives love to call people "Nazis" but they are the ones who want a militarized America. When they talk about war, you can almost see them drool. They just love the idea of Americans getting killed.

One conservative commentator after another licks his lips and talks about going after Iraq next.

The theory is that if Saddam Hussein stays in power he will get atomic weapons and other means for Superterrorism. Plenty of people have plenty of opinions on this and I can't add much to what you already know.

What concerns me is the whole idea of an endless war against terror.

Republicans love to call people naziswhowantotkillsixmillionjews, but they keep adopting Hitlerian terminology. Hitler talked about his New Order and Bush Senior talked about his New World Order. Hitler talked about a Thousand Year Reich and now Bush Junior is talking about an unending war against terror.

Huey Long, who knew all about demagoguery, once pointed out that, "Fascism will come to America in the name of anti-Fascism." The best excuse for terror is to say that you are preventing terror.

There is nothing new about this insight. Anybody who knows political history is aware of how one horror is always justified in the name of preventing another horror. When Communists justify their police state, they say they are "stopping the fascists." When fascists round up people it is always in the name of fighting Communism.

After beating Afghanistan and Iraq, Americans would be flushed with victory and looking for the next war.

That war is likely to be against the Palestinians. After two major victories, no one could stop conservative bloodlust and the Israeli lobby from going overboard. It would be like trying to stop a train with your bare hands. A war bandwagon like that would be a sure formula for disaster. Let me repeat here what might happen (originally published September 12, 2001):

September 12, 2001

1) Because of the attack on America, the United States has a chance to really move into the Middle East on the side of Israel.

2) We now have the combination of the Israeli lobby and a state of war.

3) With support from everybody, the US goes into the Middle East big time.

4) The US, pushed by the Israeli lobby, fundamentalist "Christians" and Israel-hawk liberals, goes absolutely nuts in the Middle East.

5) As in Vietnam, our "allies" desert us sometime next year.

6) The US goes it alone, getting in deeper and deeper.

7) As the ruin mounts up from loss of oil and -- less important, the deaths of Americans -- an anti-Semitic reaction grows.

8) In the 1960s, the media and antiwar advocates became more and more openly pro-Communist. As our economic collapse grows and real anti-Semitism grows in the US, swastikas begin to go on the streets.

9) People like me begin to scream "naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews," because by now it's a real threat. But leftists have screamed that "wolf" too often in the past.

10) a new Holocaust begins.

And don't buy the lie that a multiracial country cannot be violently anti-Semitic. Multicultural countries cannot unite on what they are FOR, but it is easy for different groups to join in a common HATE. September 11 should convince us of that.



All the commentators are trying to out-macho each other by being war heroes by proxy. Conservatives have gone nuts at the prospect of lots of Americans in combat.

Now Geraldo Rivera has become a war correspondent.

Since the Afghan cities fell the big buzz is about how "We are going to go in and get the Taliban" in their mountain caves.

It sounds like a silly question, but I would like to ask it: "Why?"

Our heat-seeking weapons can locate Al Queda troops when they light a fire for warmth. They can be pinned down when they try to move day or night. Their supplies, even if anyone tries to bring them in, will be destroyed.

Just as I am about the only anti-liberal commentator who does not claim to speak for God all the time, I am also the only one who does not claim to be a military expert. But it seems to me we might take a leaf out of the book of the Russians who defeated Napoleon.

As you know, Russia destroyed Napoleon's army after it reached Moscow by doing nothing. They destroyed all his potential supplies and fell back. Time and the Russian winter did the rest.

Can't we isolate and destroy the Taliban remnants just by using the fact that time and air power are on our side?


Current Issue
Issue: Nov. 17, 2001
Editor: Virgil H. Huston, Jr.
© 2001

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