CNN has its headquarters in Atlanta. But when the fans in Atlanta gave John Rocker a screaming welcome after his suspension for making politically incorrect remarks, CNN didn't report on it. They faithfully reported every attack on him, but just happened to miss his supporters.

Fans gave Rocker the wildest greeting anyone had ever received in the Atlanta stadium. CNN wasn't there. But when a bunch of goons threw bottles at him in Los Angeles, three thousand miles away, it was faithfully and repeatedly reported on CNN in Atlanta. In addition, not a word of criticism of those goons came from Mr. Fonda's network.

If those crowds had been that rude to someone for making pro-Castro remarks, the entire national media would be incensed. As it is, no respectable conservative is going to mention this, so I have to.



On the anniversary of the incident, all the media were crying about the killing of Kent State University rioters by National Guardsmen in 1970. Like the Littleton, Colorado incident, Kent State is something liberals love to celebrate.

When I was working on Capitol Hill, my boss, Congressman John Ashbrook, represented an Ohio district in Congress. Each year, while leftists were bemoaning the Kent State "Massacre," he would put a speech into the Congressional Record called, "Kent State Crybabies." The students, he said, were acting like thugs, and they were treated accordingly.

Al Capp, the creator of Lil Abner, who described himself as "a New York Jewish liberal who learned better," made the basic point about the Kent State riot. He wrote, "what these so-called young revolutionaries seem to have forgotten is that, in a revolution, BOTH sides are allowed to shoot."

Capp also said, "It doesn't take a college education to know that the best way to get killed is to throw bricks at armed men." But until Kent State, it was considered the right of leftist rioters to throw bricks, rocks, and anything else at anybody in uniform, and the uniforms could do nothing back.

In one case of a full-scale race riot in the 1960s, the National Guard was sent in WITH EMPTY GUNS, for fear they might hurt some of the thieves and burners they were sent against.

This sort of leftist whining occurred a few years ago in North Carolina. A Communist speaker demanded that the Klan come out and fight. The Klan did come out and fight the Communists. Both sides were shooting. Several Communists were killed, and others wounded. No Klansman got a scratch. The leftists went to court to demand the Klansmen be punished for their violence against poor, innocent, armed Commies.

Even with the special rights the left has, this didn't fly. The Klansmen were acquitted.

Back to Kent State. The average age of the Guardsmen was almost certainly lower than the average age of the students. The Guardsmen were largely a bunch of teenagers facing a screaming mob throwing what could have been dangerous missiles at them..

Liberals make good mobs, because cowards run in packs. If you have ever been on the receiving end of a howling mob, as most active rightists have, you will realize that it takes a lot of maturity and experience to face it calmly.




Commentary magazine had an article in its April issue called, "The Era of Big Government Is Not Over," which includes a discussion of the way in which government is expanding its power in subtle but very effective ways. One the most effective of these is by implying -- but not specifically threatening -- punishment if one does not comply.

I was glad to see someone bring this up. I have seen it in action for many years.

Federal agencies are able to get away with specifying race quotas by calling them "goals." This does not sound like a quota. All the agency says is that, if you follow the rules they don't call rules, you will be safe from government action.

These guidelines can be enforced on big companies by implying that they will be denied government contracts if they don't comply. With small businesses, it's even easier.

Many conservatives were surprised to find that small businesses often supported specific racial quotas. The reason for this is that, while large firms have permanent legal staffs, small business is lucky if their response to agency actions, even legal letters, only costs them one or two hundred dollars an hour.

In other words, legal fees amount to a fine on small businesses for doing anything an agency can QUESTION. If you don't meet their "guidelines," you can expect a substantial fine in the form of legal fees, which very soon becomes a burden that can put a small company out of business. An agency can destroy a small business without even bringing a serious action against it.

So when it comes to the hopeless complexity of hiring by race, sex, sexual preference, disabilities, and a dozen other things, small businesses are apt to say, "Please just give a straight, simple QUOTA!"

The latest example of this sort of extralegal takeover by Federal agencies is now occurring between the Justice Department and the Los Angeles Police Department. The Justice Department is deciding whether it will charge the police with civil rights violations. They are openly saying that they won't charge Los Angeles police if the police department adopts "reforms" specified by the Justice Department.

So if the police accept dictation from the central government, there will be no prosecution. Once again, we have here centralization of police authority, not by open fiat, but by threat.

Back when the parents of missing children were trying to get a national tracking system for missing children, liberals fought it tooth and nail. Liberals said it would lead to a "national police force." As always, liberals were afraid the police would unite against their clients, the repeat felons liberals love so much and degenerates in general.

But now that a national police policy is being enforced by the Justice Department for liberal goals and race quotas, we don't hear a peep from the liberals.



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