Barbara Walters did a piece some time ago on the death of so many male clothes designers from AIDS. As everybody had long known, male designers of female clothes were largely, if not all, homosexual.

It has been forgotten, by liberals and therefore by respectable conservatives, that you were not allowed to say that in the past.

AIDS made this fact too obvious to dismiss. So Barbara Walters ended her program speculating about the special brilliance of homosexual males that made them natural geniuses in the field of clothing design. Naturally, one wouldn't be allowed to say that the reason gays control that field is because female clothing design is absolutely a matter of personal opinion, and therefore a perfect place for a single group like gays to take over.

You're not allowed to say that, so naturally that is exactly what I will point out here.

The "special talent" gay males have for designing clothes is the same "special talent" black men used to have for being railroad porters. After all, they were all black, so it must be a special talent, right?

Straight white males dominate the management of most major firms. Can you imagine Barbara Walters doing a piece on how straight white males have some sort of "special talent" for high level management?



The one good thing about liberals is that they are not morons when it comes to argument. If you watched conservatives only, you would think everybody in American politics was retarded. For weeks, every media outlet has been deploring the awful Cubans in Miami for making the Gonzalez case political. They condemned it, they urged us all to stop being emotional.

Above all, they condemned the knee-jerk reaction against Castro.

And the next time children get killed in school by some nutcase, what will liberals say? They will say, "This is just more proof that we must carry out the liberal program of gun control."

No national conservative has ever repeatedly said, as liberals do over Elian, "How dare you use such a tragedy for your political purposes!" No national conservative ever will.

It has been mentioned -- but very briefly -- that in each case the liberal gun control policy would have no effect whatever on the tragedy the liberals are using at the time. When the black man used an illegal automatic weapon in New York to slaughter whites in what he declared was a hate crime, no one argued that gun laws could have stopped that hate crime. But liberals used it shamelessly, and one of the white victims' wives got herself elected to congress on a gun control platform.

When a six-year-old white girl was murdered by a little black boy of the same age in a pure hate crime, it was grounds for another liberal demand for gun control laws. Those laws would not have stopped there being an illegal weapon in the crack house the boy lived in, but that made no difference at all.

No conservative will ever get excited and furious about the shameless leftist use of tragedy to push their political program, though that program admittedly has no relation to the tragedy.

Conservatives are pathetic, because liberals select their leaders. Respectable conservatives can always be counted on to miss the point.



I often express frustration in these pages over the fact that conservatives simply never get their arguments right. To some, this may sound pedantic, or it may sound like I am simply a political expert who is unduly concerned with details.

Wrong. What I am saying repeatedly here is that the whole mental process of conservatives is off base. You simply cannot deal with the real world unless you understand what the real questions are. Conservatives get their arguments wrong because they do not understand what the real questions are.

Elian Gonzalez is a case in point. Conservatives talked about everything but the real point. So, as usual, they lost.

Conservatives argued that Castro has an oppressive regime. They argued that America was a better place for a child than Cuba. They argued that the dead mother had the rights to the child, not the living father.

And, because they missed the whole point, they lost every single argument. Certainly the United States is a better place than Cuba for a child to grow up in. But if you follow that argument, as liberals were quick to point out, every child in every Caribbean country has a right to be in the United States. Liberals naturally hit the race card on that one, as they had every right to do. Certainly Haiti is horrible place for its children. It is also oppressive, despite or because of the huge sums the United States spent to save it from dictatorship.

If a Cuban child has the right to get out of a bad place, why not any black child, too?

And conservatives, true to their ever-losing strategy, said exactly the wrong thing about the dead mother and custody.

I think almost everybody is aware of the raw deal fathers get in custody battles. I have seen practicing female dope addicts get custody over clean and sober fathers. Conservatives saw a mother who died getting her child out of Cuba and, as always, they got precisely the wrong message out of it. Instead of emphasizing the fact that she died in an escape from a national prison, they talked about how she died to give her child a better life.

As I pointed out last week, the ONLY -- let me repeat that -- the ONLY valid argument against Elian going back to Cuba is the nature of Cuba as A NATIONAL PRISON.

It was never mentioned. It was never mentioned once. As I pointed out last week, when a black congresswoman said that Elian should go to his father now and make his decision about where he wanted to live when he was thirteen or so, the conservative on Crossfire just sat there, and didn't say a word. But no other conservative made that point, either.

If they had pressed this point, conservatives might have gotten some sort of concessions about Elian having the right to decide when he was older. Such a promise may have been of little practical use, but it would have kept the question open, and the emphasis right.

As it is, the question never came up. So now if he is sent back Elian will be just one more trapped Cuban, and no one will ever be able to protest that. That is because, in order to get to the point, conservatives would have to first screw their heads on right. That means getting their argument right.


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