Liberals have fired most of their ammunition against the Confederate flag flying over the South Carolina State House. Now they're calling in their reliable second team: respectable conservatives. William Buckley's NATIONAL REVIEW has been demanding the flag come down since it got its latest editor, Richard Lowry. Since he took over, NR has stopped capitalizing the word "Southern."

NR's latest effort was a screaming piece called "Rebels Yell," which caused at least one Charlestonian to write them saying he was canceling his subscription.

In other words, NATIONAL REVIEW has given up its pretense of being a spokesman for the American right nation-wide. It has always been a theocratic, east coast magazine making a few gestures to others. NR has simply given up the gestures.

David Broder, the token semi-conservative writer for the Washington Post, has come out with an article demanding that the flag come down. Like McCain, his comment on Bob Jones ending its policy against interracial dating was a kick in the teeth. Funny how people who back down get no respect.

In other words, we have the usual formula: liberals have screamed their lungs out on the flag issue, so their second team has volunteered to earn its "respectable" credentials again. Stabbing other conservatives in the back is the main job of respectable conservatives.



A study shows that women with hands that are shaped more like men's hands are more often lesbian than those who don't have this feature. This is statistical CORRELATION. This does NOT mean that ALL women with man-like hands are lesbians. It means that a few MORE of them are.

We have the same sort of general correlations with IQ. Height CORRELATES with IQ. That is, the average tall man is more intelligent than the average small man. But Napolean was smarter than almost anybody. Health also CORRELATES with IQ. People with better brains TEND to have better health. But the greatest expert on cosmology -- the physical nature of the universe -- is confined to a wheel chair.

What really convinced me that this lesbian study was valid was that a social scientist declared it was "simplistic." Just about every time a liberal social scientist says something is "simplistic" it turns out to be right. It turns out that common sense is right, and the liberal social scientist can't stand that. Which is why they're always wrong.

Lesbianism is a male characteristic in a woman. So are male-like hands. It makes sense they would CORRELATE. Naturally, a liberal social scientist has to say that any study which bears out common sense can't be right.

Which is another way of saying that if common sense is right, leftism is wrong.



A question is growing in my mind that is also growing in the mind of anyone who watches the TV show, "COPS." That question: Can a real-life policeman of any color really ignore race?

This question has grown with the shooting of unarmed black men in New York City, where it went along with a successful crackdown on crime.

A crackdown on crime means taking clues very seriously. There is nothing illegal about being young. There is nothing illegal about driving at 3 in the morning. There is nothing illegal about driving very, very slowly on most city streets.

But if a policeman sees young people driving very slowly at 3 am on a city street, he takes notice. Why? Because of a CORRELATION. All young people driving slowly at 3 am in a city street are not breaking the law. But a lot MORE people like that will be buying or selling drugs or doing something else illegal than drivers in general.

Likewise, if someone pulls something out of his pocket and points it at you on a city street in the dark, the chances that it is a gun is simply a lot higher if that person has black skin. If you are a lawyer for the ACLU, it's easy to say skin color is irrelevant in a speech in a nice safe courtroom. But if you are a cop on a dark street you had damned well better know the difference.

This is terribly unfair to most black people who are not lawbreakers. But it is also not the fault of the police. As I explained on July 17, 1999, "Racial Profiling Is the Fault of Black Criminals."


On the issue of returning Elian Gonzalez to his father in Cuba, both liberals and conservatives have been making comparisons that are not applicable. Leftists point to examples where the United States has returned children to Syria, for example. They say Cuba is the same thing.

But mostly, of course, liberals are playing the race card. They are saying returning immigrants to Jamaica or Haiti is the same as this case in Cuba.

Conservatives who are against returning him to Cuba talk about children in dictatorships and oppressive regimes in general.

To my surprise, one conservative actually had the guts to ask a black congresswoman who was demanding the boy be returned whether she would ask the same thing if the child had been a black refugee from South Africa in the days of apartheid. She looked him straight in the eye and lied that she would.

But even that is not fair to oppressive regimes in general. There was no blockade to keep the general population inside Franco's Spain or South Africa. No rightist regime ever built a wall with machine gun towers to keep its people in, as ALL Communist regimes must.

Certainly no black mother ever died getting her child out of South Africa under apartheid. Blacks were free to leave. Their only major problem with black population movement was the massive flow of blacks INTO South Africa.

Castro announced that if all of the twenty-something people he wanted to come to the United States were not allowed in, he wouldn't allow any of them to come. He withdrew that comment, but it was a good reminder that you only get out of Cuba with special permission.

So after that, on CNN's Crossfire, a black congresswoman said Elian should go back to Cuba and decide to leave at thirteen or so if he wanted to. The pet conservative on the show just sat there silent. This proved once again that she has the room temperature IQ that is required to be a respectable conservative.


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