NATO's bombing of Serb television makes it clear this is a liberal war. Normally, a television station is a civilian institution, and Clinton and his stooges declare they are only attacking military targets. But attacking Serb television is legitimate for a fascinating reason.

Serb television can be attacked because it LIES! That is EXACTLY what every liberal says. Naturally, CNN's pet conservative, Kate O'Beirne, immediately agreed.

No one, least of all respectable conservatives, said that Serb television, IN THE OPINION OF LIBERALS, lies. No, if liberals decide it lies, it needs to be bombed.

No respectable conservative would deny that.

This is a major escalation. Anyone liberals accuse of lying in Serbia is now a fair target of violence.

If liberals say you lie, you are a legitimate target of violence. This is a precedent that will come back to haunt us all.



The shootings in the Colorado high school naturally renewed the liberal shout about guns. They say it happened because Americans have guns. As always, respectable conservatives respectfully, very, very respectfully, disagree. They mutter something about Family Values.

Actually, the population of Switzerland is armed to the eyeballs, and nothing like this happens there. Recently there was a mass
shooting in a school in BRITAIN, where they have the fanatical gun laws liberals dream about. But nothing like this happens where the guns are, in Switzerland.

So how many respectable conservatives, including Pat Buchanan, mentioned Switzerland?

HINT: Try "Not a single one."

To be a respectable conservative, you never repeat anything that seriously bothers liberals. The Swiss example totally destroys every liberal argument for gun control, so conservatives almost never mention it, and they never REPEAT it the way a liberal repeats his best points.

The argument that KILLS all present gun control demands is Switzerland. In Switzerland, hundreds of thousands of ordinary citizens are required to have either a HANDGUN or an ASSAULT WEAPON at home. The government PAYS for those guns, yet Switzerland has no more gun crimes than any other European country, including those like Britain with absolutely oppressive gun laws.

Good old respectable conservatives! They NEVER mention Switzerland when gun control comes up. Over two decades ago, when I worked on Capitol Hill, my boss was a member of the NRA Board of Directors. We begged them to talk about Switzerland. We put the Swiss example in the Congressional Record.

But still, conservatives would not repeat Switzerland, Switzerland, Switzerland, the way a liberal would repeat a killer point he had. You see, repeating the point about Switzerland would not be polite. It bothers liberals. So to be a respectable conservative, you don't push it.

If there were any serious conservatives in the media debate, they could make some critical points pushing Switzerland. First of all, the Swiss example can make it clear how silly the so-called "assault weapons ban" is. To repeat, the Swiss population has hundreds of thousands of REAL assault weapons at home!

We all know that NONE of the guns outlawed by the assault weapons ban were actual assault weapons. No weapon which cannot be switched to fully automatic is an assault weapon. No modern soldier would make an assault with a weapon which could not be switched to full automatic, the way Swiss weapons can.

Congress has kept guns that can be switched to full automatic out of private hands since the 1920's.

Liberal intellectuals simply cannot understand what an assault weapon really is, because they cannot understand what an automatic weapon is.

So I ask Southern Nationalists to indulge me for a moment while I speak directly to America's "intellectual leaders." I must explain to them the difference between a weapon which is automatic and one which is NOT automatic. If they would stop being respectful, conservatives would use the approach I am about to.

They would say,

"Let us now speak in terms even a liberal professor can understand:

"Gun that is NOT automatic weapon go this way:


"PULL TRIGGER again, it go BANG again.

"On the other hand, we have to explain to these brilliant liberal intellectuals what an automatic weapon is:

"AUTOMATIC weapon go:


Now, are even the poor, dumbass liberal intellectuals with me here?"

In Switzerland, every male adult between the ages of eighteen and forty-five IS REQUIRED BY LAW to have a REAL assault weapon or an Evil Handgun at home. These are the two weapons liberals say the people cannot have without a blood bath. These are the two kinds of weapons liberals are banning here. In Switzerland, the GOVERNMENT supplies those weapons!

This is a wonderful example to drive home, and I mean DRIVE home.

It PROVES that simple availability of weapons does not affect the crime rate.

Switzerland proves that gun crime depends on who has the guns. If you push Switzerland, you can make it viciously clear how insane liberals are on the whole subject.

Since I alone have used this point so often, I know that there is a last liberal gambit. When they are driven against the wall with the Swiss example, they will often say that that is completely different, because Switzerland has its guns as part of its military reserve. They will say that that is the only reason it works in Switzerland. Once again, this could give an intelligent and serious conservative -- if there were any in the debate- - a chance to make another point.

A few years back, over thirty states adopted "right to carry" laws.

Before those laws, any citizen who wanted a permit to carry a concealed weapon had to either 1) provide a reason for it the police would accept or 2) have political pull. In the real world, the bottom line was that if you didn't have political pull, you didn't get a permit.

"Right to carry" changed the burden of proof. Under "right to carry" laws, if an honest citizen wanted a permit, police had to provide a reason why they would NOT issue it.

Naturally, when "right to carry" was proposed, ALL the liberals screamed "Bloodbath!" and "Dodge City!!" More than one liberal source stated flatly that the streets would run red with blood if these laws were enacted.

Those laws were enacted. Hundreds of thousands of permits have been issued, and they have been out there for years. Not a single recorded instance of illegal violence has resulted in the years since. If respectable conservatives ever repeated what liberals once screamed about "right to carry" laws, liberals would be humiliated.

Not one single respectable conservative has breathed a word about it.

But, if there were a single intelligent conservative in these debates, he would bring up Switzerland, and drive liberals to the wall. Then liberals would be forced to their last-ditch gambit, saying that the only reason the Swiss don't misuse guns is because they are in the military reserves. That would give the conservative a chance to humiliate liberals again. He would point out that, after all the liberal shrieks about a "Bloodbath!," American "right to carry" permit holders have just as good a gun record as the Swiss reserves do!

No conservative on CNN or in the media will ever say that.

Respectable conservatives are our real enemies.




If a country is made up of one people with one culture, that people obviously knows more about its own culture than anybody else.

Social experts and ideologues have very little excuse to claim that they know more about what a homogeneous people wants than the people themselves.

About twenty years ago, I saw an advertisement for a program on a major network that made me sit up and take notice. The network had searched the world for the city where things went most smoothly and people were most content. They found that, back then, that city was Copenhagen. They had found that Copenhagen was a major city with all the advantage of a small town. This was because it was homogeneous. There was little conflict, and little crime.

This is no shock to a rational person. A society which is racially and culturally homogeneous is going to have less conflict than a
jumble of races and groups like New York.

But I was amazed that the liberal censors had let that piece of heresy get on the air! Nobody is allowed to SAY that a homogeneous society has less conflict than "multiculturalism."

Well, that program never materialized. The censors DID finally get to it.

As I pointed out in this space on April 17, the only sane policy in the Balkans is to separate the ethnic groups (See Balkan Peace: The Case for Segregation").

This point is rather obvious: if two people are trying to kill each other, you separate them. But if you make this obvious point, you are charged with supporting "apartheid," "ethnic cleansing," and, as always, of being anaziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews. As always, the real leftist objection has nothing to do with any of this.

What leftists, and therefore respectable conservatives, cannot stand about ethnic separation is that it gives them no excuse whatsoever to interfere in the affairs of the ethnically homogeneous countries.

This situation changes in many ways as soon as we get a "multicultural" society. If a society is made up of many different peoples with many different values and many different outlooks, any social expert can claim to know what the people want. He can claim to be the only "objective" expert, and he can point out the fact that none of these different people can claim to speak for each other any more than he can.

That is not the case when a society is homogeneous. If you want to know what a culturally homogeneous people want, you just ask them.

But if a society is nice and diverse, who can say what "they" want? There is no "they." In our diverse America, who can honestly say that he speaks for "us?" There is no "us."

But smaller, more homogeneous countries can laugh at attempts by social experts and ideologues who claim to speak for them. Who needs "social experts" to speak for Liechtenstein or Iceland?

There is another advantage for liberals in making sure a society is as multiracial and as multiethnic and as multicultural as possible.

If you are an ideologue or a social expert, you can tell everybody what to do, and get paid for it, all in the name of "protecting minorities." There is nothing new about this. Modern leftists claim any power they want by saying they are just helping the oppressed smaller groups, but Hitler did exactly the same thing when he claimed he was protecting the German minority in the Seudetenland.

Outsiders always have a standing excuse to interfere in the affairs of a "diverse" country. If you want proof of that, look at the six billion dollar request for funds Mr. Clinton has just made to Congress to take care of the minority problems in tiny Kosovo.

If there is a minority in any country, all liberals have to do is to claim they are supporting the weaker group and move in. A homogeneous society is a country which can remain free from the power of liberals and social experts. As I pointed out before, the first rule of leftism is that there can be no escapees. No one can be allowed to determine his own affairs, away from leftist rule.

This is the reason leftists cannot allow any white majority country to avoid substantial third world immigration.

Despite all the earlier talk about a "melting pot," it was only after the massive third world immigration of the last generation that America became the kind of country that the social expert could control absolutely.

Only a completely unsophisticated person could refer to America until very recently as any kind of a "multicultural"

For its first two centuries of existence, the population of the United States came from a very limited and homogeneous part of the world. Its identity, its religion, and its moral values all came from a relatively tiny area in Northern and central Europe, with some southern Europeans added in later. They were all from a part of Europe which, throughout the Middle Ages, recognized Latin as its common scholarly and legal and cultural language.

There was nothing "multi" about this culture.

The one serious minority in minority in America, black people, had been used by the 1960s to overturn major portions of the constitution. The right of free association, all limitations on federal power under the interstate commerce clause, local control of education, all limitations on federal power to select employees, and many other critical limitations on bureaucratic power had been simply crushed in the name of the rights of one minority. In the name of protecting blacks, lawyers, social planners, and bureaucrats took over unheard-of authority and money in America. More minorities to "protect" will make that power unlimited.

The actual cultural difference between a German Catholic and an English Protestant is very small and, in cultural terms, very recent. All the talk about how America was made up of so many really different religious and cultural groups at the turn of the century is, for someone who is familiar with the true differences in the world in general, a reflection of a very limited outlook.

This lack of real racial and cultural diversity in America has been a serious problem for ideologues on both the left and the right.
All through our history, there has been a generally agreed-upon set of outlooks and values that defied and frustrated the "intellectuals" and other people who wanted to revolutionize us.

Now, at last, our homogeneity is REALLY dying out, and a REAL multiculturalism is taking over. The fight for multiculturalism, multiethnicity, and multiracialism is at the very heart of the struggle of social "experts," planners, and ideologues for power. In a truly diverse society, people can vote all they want to, but it cannot be democracy.

How can "the people" rule when there is no "people"?

In a diverse society, there is a great deal of voting, but it is not allowed to influence the really big issues. After all, in such a society, a majority vote means very little. What is important is not just the numbers, but how those numbers represent each group. Above all, the majority must not be allowed to use its majority to "persecute minorities."

So, when California voters overwhelmingly decided not to give taxpayer financed benefits to illegal aliens, the courts simply knocked it down.

So who can protect the minorities? Obviously, it cannot be the people in general. It is the people in general the minorities must be protected AGAINST.

This leaves us no choice: in a diverse society, final authority cannot reside in the people. It must be vested in professionals: judges, bureaucrats, and self-styled "intellectuals" must have the final say where there is multiracialism or multiculturalism.



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