Whitaker's Current Articles December 27,  2003


December 27, 2003 -- Strom's Colored Daughter

December 27, 2003 -- The Ten Commandments Controversy

December 27, 2003 -- An Awful Man is Captured, and Awful People Care

December 27, 2003 -- Liberals are Getting Hurt and They are Ordering Respectable Conservatives to Help Them

December 27, 2003 -- Iraq Has Caused Conservative Spokesmen to Forget Their Duty to Protect Liberals

December 27, 2003 -- Neoconservatives Demand That Conservatives Follow Liberal Orders


Fun Quote:

If you say someone is judgmental, what are you being?


                                                Strom's Colored Daughter                                                    


I do not understand  homosexuality or interracial sex. 

What Strom did in fathering a child with his black maid disgusts me, but that sort of thing has never been considered much of a moral lapse in any society.

It has always been the attitude of the group that regards itself as superior that there is little wrong with males impregnating the inferior race, but their women are the life of their own race.   So superiors are not all that upset with men bedding the housemaid in a British home or an American home.   But if the male servants bed the ladies of the house, that is a scandal.

What impresses me most is what an honorable  person Strom fathered.   The media cannot understand why she didn't capitalize on the situation.   She says she didn't want to hurt her father.   Yankees are absolutely mystified by this.

I just think there are some decent people in the world, and it's good to hear about one of them.


                                        The Ten Commandments Controversy                                        


Conservatives who are not babbling about Saddam are babbling about the Alabama controversy over the Ten Commandments.

Once again, like talking about Our Boys in Iraq, this is a good way to ignore what really needs to be done.

I often laugh to myself about how outraged a group of these frantic e-mailers on the Ten Commandments would be if some young man walked up and said, "You don't need the Ten Commandments.   All you need is the Golden Rule."

They would say he was just awful.  They would say he was unChristian.

Well, a young man did say that.  He said it two thousand years ago.  His name was Jesus.

The Ten Commandments, they tell us, form the basis on which all law and decency was established.  Hogwash.  They also tell us that God is worried to death about the State of Israel.

Like the capture of Saddam, none of this has anything to do with anything important.

                            An Awful Man is Captured, and Awful People Care                        


The capture of Saddam Hussein will allow the Bush Administration to put more men in uniform in Iraq.  Our own borders remain wide open. Congress just agreed to give the Iraqis more billions of our dollars.

If Hussein hadn't been captured, liberals would have had another weapon in their struggle to turn over American policy to the United Nations.  Leftists used our failure to catch Saddam to prove that France was right.   They call it "cooperating with our Allies," but it means France.

Liberals love the France that gave Parisian citizenship to the American cop-killer.

Nothing a decent American could care about is being dealt with in Iraq.  Capturing Saddam disappointed the French and their kind.   The United Nations was hurt by the capture.  Liberals hate any American success.  That was the nice thing about Saddam's capture.

Now let's talk about something that matters.

Saddam's capture just demonstrates again that America is very, very powerful.  The critical question is not who controls Iraq, but who controls America.   The evil people in America fight each other over who controls Iraq.  

We must keep our eye on the real goal.  We must defeat both the neoconservatives in the White House who want to use America for things like controlling the Middle East AND we must defeat  the leftists.

This will not be done by frantic e-mails about the Ten Commandments or  Saddam or Bush or whatever other issue is the big fad of the moment..


       Liberals are Getting Hurt and They are Ordering Respectable Conservatives to Help Them  


St. Thomas More gave us an invaluable lesson on the most effective weapon to use against Evil.  He said, "The Devil, Proud Spirit, cannot bear to be mocked."

Nobody is allowed to laugh at the left.  They see themselves as brilliant and radical.  You can accuse them of anything you want to, but if you point out that they are just plain ridiculous, they go ballistic.  Exposing liberal silliness  has become such a habit that even Jay Leno has made it a regular part of his opening monologue.

Leftism is SILLY.

The idea that a whole country run by bureaucrats will be efficient, a.k.a. socialism, should be laughed at, not debated.  The idea that criminals are basically sweet kids should have been ridiculed away before liberals ever had the chance to kill thousands of people by putting hardened killers back on the streets.

Like Satan, the left cannot bear to be mocked.  So every respectable conservative treats every liberal spokesman with deep respect and regards every word of his drivel as serious stuff.

Like Jay Leno, who is a liberal, grassroots anti-liberals have begun violating the rules that govern conservative spokesmen.  We are laughing at them, ridiculing them.

Another thing no respectable conservative is allowed to do is to have a memory or talk about the liberals' pattern of behavior.   The last ten liberal policy disasters are quickly forgotten as conservatives gravely discuss the latest leftist proposal.

We are beginning to call leftists what they are, in plain English. That is something else that no conservative spokesman ever does.

In the Iraq war, the left is once again on the side of anybody but Americans.   Ann Coulter wrote a book about them called Treason.   She goes into detail about a pattern we all know: that liberals are always on the side of America's enemies and detractors.

The left is being hurt by the very weapons respectable conservatives are supposed to protect it against, a sense of humor and a memory.   For decades, any time a conservative hit them where it really hurt liberals simply called him a racist or something and the respectable conservatives ate him alive.

Liberals are screaming "Wolf!" and "Hitler!" but anti-liberals are having too much fun and too much effect to listen.

Where are the liberals' conservative protectors?


         Iraq Has Caused Conservative Spokesmen to Forget Their Duty to Protect Liberals        


Conservative spokesmen have not been doing their jobs as respectable conservatives.  Liberals are getting hurt.  Liberals are getting laughed at.  The anti-liberals who have memories and talk about treason and the pattern of leftist policy failures are gaining popularity, and no conservative spokesman has stepped forth to denounce them.

Liberals have been screaming their usual orders to conservatives, in the form of outrage and insults and cries of "Racism," to kick the anti-liberal opposition back into line.  Historically whoever they screamed at on the right was instantly lynched by the respectable right.


                     Neoconservatives Demand that Conservatives Follow Liberal Orders                    


The Kristol family rules the respectable right.

Kristol, Senior made his name and fame as a liberal back when that was the thing to be.   He was in the very bowels of the liberal establishment.   Then Kristol Senior saw that liberalism was becoming unpopular, so he started a movement.

He called this movement from the bowels of liberalism Neo-Conservatism.  It consists of people who say that liberalism was The Only True Faith until on or about January 1, 1970.  On or about that date liberalism suddenly and inexplicably did every horrible thing that conservatives had said all along that liberal policies would lead to.

The National Review types rejoiced madly when neoconservatives joined them.  Here were former Big Names at Harvard and New York liberal circles who were willing to sit and have lunch with the conservatives they had before regarded as Irish peasants.   Not only that, these Big Names were willing to WRITE for them!

Respectable conservatives were delirious.  And who knew better how to be respectable conservatives than neoconservatives who had been (and, they tell us, still are) leftists?   So the top spokesmen of the respectable right today are the "neos."  The "Neos" rule the White House today and even the liberals cite neoconservatives, not conservatives, as the group that got  America into the Iraq War.

But while the neos are leading America into their war abroad, their attention has gotten off the one that counts, the war here at home.  Kristol Junior has now heeded the liberal commands.

Recently Kristol the Younger wrote an editorial in which he asked for "civility in our political debate."   It was all getting mean, he said.  Kristol says that liberals are justified in being upset at the outrageous attacks on them from the right.

It is time, said Kristol the Younger, for us to stop laughing at liberals, ridiculing them, and recalling their patterns of treasonousness and hating Americans.

Liberals have called out the big guns, the neoconservatives, to stop the assault.  Soon the Buckleys and all the other little respectables will be demanding this "civility." 

But the right has tasted blood and it won't be easy to recall the troops.



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