Whitaker's Current Articles June 7, 2003



Fun Quote:
The Supreme Court has declared that you cannot be put to death if you are mentally retarded.   Being mentally retarded means you score less than 70 on an IQ test.

So liberals insist that no one should have to pass a test to get a high school diploma, but you do have to pass a test to get executed.


                                                            Will We Ever Get out of Iraq?                                                          


Not if we compromise.

No one will ever see the real lesson of the Vietnam War.   The hawks say that the lesson of Vietnam was that fighting to win is good.   The doves said that the lesson of Vietnam was that peace is good.

The real lesson of Vietnam was that there is nothing worse than half a war.

No one can see this lesson because our society is still based on the kind of thinking that got us into the Vietnam mess.  We got into half a war in Vietnam because we compromised between fighting the war and getting out.  

Our national obsession with compromise says that there are two sides to every question so the truth must lie somewhere in the middle.   No mindset could be worse for dealing with military matters.

When you are putting lives on the line you have to decide either to fight it out or get out fast.

This is common sense, but the first thing our compromise mentality does is throw out common sense.  When we have a problem, we don’t look for the solution.  We look for the compromise.

If you compromise all the time, you never finish anything.   One side will want to keep doing what you are doing and the other side wants to stop.  So you compromise.   You don’t do it and you don’t quit.

Most of America’s real policy disasters can be traced back to our failure to do it or to get out of it.  Vietnam was just a very obvious example of this.

So when will both sides agree to get out of Iraq?

Well, the United States Army landed in Western Europe in 1943.

The Soviet Union stopped being a threat in 1989.

Our troops are still in Western Europe.   They’re still there and we are still compromising about them.

Since we became obsessed with the idea that truth equals compromise the only major military commitments we have gotten out of have been Vietnam and Somalia.

Do those two names tell you anything?



                                                   Is the Truth a Shell With Feathers?                                                               


Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Well, according to the way we now make our life-and-death national policies, what came first was a compromise, a shell with feathers.

Like most sayings that sound Shrewd, the idea that Truth lies somewhere in the middle is really dumb.

To start with, “the Truth lies somewhere in the middle” sounds like a reasonable approach, an approach that allows for human error.   But if you say that “the truth lies somewhere in the middle,” you are assuming that both sides already know all subject that there is to know.  

“The Truth lies somewhere in the middle” means that half of all you need to know is one side and half of all you need to know is on the other.   So you just mix them and you get all the Truth there is.

Sounds stupid when you say it in plain English, doesn’t it?  Most Shrewd Sayings sound retarded when you state them in plain English.

                                                        Moderation in Action                                                                                  


In mid-sixteenth the Protestant theologian John Calvin ruled the city of Geneva, Switzerland.   In 1553 Calvin had a former classmate of his, Michael Servatus, burned alive.   Servatus started screaming when the flames reached his face.  He stopped screaming over twenty minutes later.

The burning of Michael Servatus was an act of Moderation.

In Calvin’s world, the Catholic Church was his deadly enemy, the “other side” of the world of Christianity.  There was Calvin on one side and the Pope on the other.   But Servatus was not in the center between them.

Servatus was a Unitarian, a belief condemned by both sides.

So in a rare show of cooperation, the Catholic authorities sent Calvin evidence that Michael Servatus held beliefs that were anathema to both Catholics and Protestants.

Catholics on one side, Calvinists on the other, the Truth in the middle, right?


                                                      There is no Easy Out                                                                                 

The world would be a safe and easy place if all we had to do was compromise.

Freedom and safety would be easy if the Truth were in the middle of the road.

It isn’t.

Freedom and safety require just as much intolerance as tolerance.

Yes, intolerance is very dangerous.  But you cannot do the right thing by an endless series of compromises.   Some things are true and some things are false.   Some things work and some things do not work.

What people call political Moderation is a good example.  Moderation is a compromise between liberal policies which are always disastrous and simple political sanity.   But in the real world a compromise between sanity and insanity is still simply insane.

As long as we remain committed to the nostrum of compromise what we do will not work.  That’s where Vietnam came from.  That’s where Somalia came from.

Insanity has been defined as doing the same thing you always do and expecting different results this time.   Another name for that is Moderation.

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