March 29, 2003  -  Whitaker's Current Articles


Fun Quote:

Watching the war coverage you hear "War is bad" over and over and over and over.

I'm happy they explain that to us, but why is this endlessly repeated wisdom limited to war?

Every day a hundred Americans are killed on our highways and hundreds more are badly hurt.  But did you know that automobile accidents are bad?   If Americans think war is nice, then Americans also think that a serious automobile accident is a fun thing.

We need for our wise media commentators to constantly explain to us that being killed or seriously injured in an automobile accident is an unpleasant experience.

You know, like war is.

                                          Human Movement is a Total Mystery to the Media                                                          

The way a person becomes a "respectable conservative" is by obeying liberal rules.   One of the most rigid liberal rules is that nobody talks about the human flow.   You will never hear any respectable conservative or any liberal mention the fact that every Communist state had to kill people who tried to escape, and ONLY Communist countries killed regular citizens who tried to escape.

 No fascist regime ever had to shoot ordinary people for trying to get out of the country in peacetime.  That is a universal novelty of the Peace-Loving People’s Democratic Republics.

Recently the media was going “DUHH!” again.  They were sitting in Jordan waiting for a huge number of Iraqi refugees to leave Iraq.

Ordinary people don't run AWAY from Americans.   During the Vietnam War liberals kept talking about how the Vietnamese people loved the Communists,  but nobody ever mentioned a flow of refugees TO Communist areas.

If a single white person was ever photographed trying to sneak into a predominantly brown country it would be history’s most famous photograph.  Political Correctness tells us how happy independent brown countries are.   But out in the real world, as always, nobody believes a word of what they all have to say.

 There were huge streams of refugees from Iraq during the last Iraq War.  But if American troops had been coming in back then, there would not have been refugees.

Real people NEVER choose brown lands or Communist countries.   Real people don't run away from Americans.  If you mention that rule, if you even KNOW that rule, you cannot be a respectable conservative.

                                  If Anyone Mentioned Humans, What Would Happen to the Great Debate ?                          

Respectable conservatives make their livings by conducting a respectful debate with the left. 

What would happen to the respectable conservatives’ livelihoods if they talked about the human movement in the above article?

I have never met a Communist who could deal with the fact that every Communist country had to kill ordinary citizens who tried to escape.   That’s why respectable conservatives never mention this point.  You can't take leftists seriously if you realize they ALWAYS have to stop escapes.   And you can't be respectable if you make leftists look as ridiculous as they are.

No rightist country has ever had to build a wall around itself.   Blacks were free to move out of apartheid South Africa. 

It is bad enough that apartheid South Africa never kept blacks in.  What is even worse is that blacks kept pouring INTO South Africa during the apartheid days.   No conservative could mention that and keep the debate with a liberal serious.

But to enforce leftist racial policy in America you have to chase whites down and bus them.  The minute busing ends, the schools resegregate.  The minute affirmative action is not enforced minorities disappear from major white campuses.  

That is now the main liberal argument FOR affirmative action.   They have to brag about the fact that real people don't want their policies.

Liberals talk about how bad white people are and how bad America is.  But no conservative will ever mention the fact that refugees always move towards Americans and minorities always want to live in those evil, awful white countries.

To repeat, out here in the real world Africans wanted desperately to be admitted INTO South Africa under apartheid.

Leftists always said that the Vietnam War was awful because of all those poor refugees.  No liberal ever mentioned that those refugees were always moving away from the Communists.

So no conservative mentions that.

Liberals love to talk about how evil whites are, but all mass movement is from brown lands to white lands.   Wonderful as they are, those wonderful brown and black people don’t make countries people want to live in.  No conservative will ever make any liberal explain this.

Respectable conservatives make their living by being dumb and cowardly and never threatening liberals.  Where else can dumb and cowardly people get paid for being dumb and cowardly?

The liberals who run our media learned all their politics from liberal professors in college.  The only alternate argument they have ever heard has been from respectable conservatives.  

So we have reporters assigned to cover all those Iraqi refugees coming across the borders of Jordan and Iraq and Turkey to escape the Americans.

 Those reporters are plaintively asking, where are all the refugees?

 And there is nobody to explain the world to them.

                                             Media  Ideology is a Serious Professional Problem for the Media                               

It is not just that liberals and respectable conservatives have predictable stands on the news.   What is worse is that are so locked into the fashionable ideology that they cannot UNDERSTAND the news they report.   They were clueless about the breakup of the Soviet Union, which was so obvious to me.  They cannot understand why an artificial country like Iraq or Yugoslavia can only be kept unified by a tyrant like Saddam or Tito.

Please see March 1, 2003, "The New Colonialism Fights for the Old Colonial Borders."

Since the media cannot take any notice of the direction of refugee flow, they are sitting there in Syria and Turkey and Jordan waiting for the flow of refugees from the Americans.  After all, they saw refugees running from Saddam during the Gulf War.

These are not minor oversights.    Liberals and respectable conservatives, no matter what big-time professionals they think they are, have to be clueless about the real world or they will be fired.

                                                                   A Cry of Frustration                                                                                   

WhitakerOnline talks about the power of the Israeli Lobby, but we also offer an alternative.   Israel and Europe and foreign aid recipients are able to use America because our own citizens simply will  not demand that we pursue THEIR interests.

I keep saying that we need to go to a consistent policy of "We the People". We need to stop dedicating ourselves to "Iraqi Freedom" or providing Europe with military welfare or chasing after "Middle East Peace".

I cannot get the slightest bit of attention to this concept.  Everybody tells me how good France is or how bad France is.    I get endless e-mailings about how Israel is what God is all about and from others who denounce the Israeli Lobby.  

None of this addresses the real problem American policy has had for the last sixty years.   When you talk about Israel or France or the poor little Iraqis, you are still in the same old groove: You are asking "What about THEM?"

We should be obsessed with our own interests.  We should be every bit as obsessed with cheap oil for ourselves as leftists say we are and conservatives say we're not. 

We are in a war so somebody has to worry about OUR soldiers.   Please see "American Self-Interest Would Avoid a Battle of Baghdad."

Everybody wants to debate whether we should have gotten into this war or not.   We're there.  What matters now is our interests, our soldiers' lives.  

Could somebody please send me just one note about American self-interest so I can feel like somebody is interested in something besides the moral condition of France or what we should have done a year ago?



Current Issue
March 29, 2003
Editor: Rick Rowland
© 2003

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