Truths that Work

A long time I ago, by trial and error, I found the perfect answer to use on a Yankee who badmouths the South.

No matter what he says, my first reply is:

"You know, we didn't fight a war to keep YOU."

If you say that and stop right there, it leaves them furious and frustrated.  Anything they say is going to be on the defensive.

The greatest war in American history, the war in which more Americans were killed by far than in all America's other wars combined, was for the express purpose of keeping the South IN the union.

All we wanted was to get away from Yankees.

Chasing down Southern Whites, Phase II

It's been called the Civil War, the War of the Rebellion and the War of Northern Aggression.   The War to Keep the South covers all these names, and is the accurate one.

This title, The War to Keep the South, makes the perfect connection between that struggle and the (more recent) civil rights struggle for integration:

In both cases the main purpose of America was to keep Southerners from being left alone.

When I was coming up, the idea that blacks had a right to my company seemed absurd.   Once again, they didn't want rights.  They wanted US.

All the magazines are full of the black girl who is Bond's girl in the new film.   She is on the cover of Jet Magazine with the Irishman playing Bond.  That makes me nostalgic.  In the 1950s, every single issue of Jet Magazine had a mixed couple on the cover.

Mixed couples were the only dream of black people in the 1950s.   The argument for integration was the exact opposite of today's Holy Diversity.   Back then no one dared use the word "black." They were "Negroes."

In the 1950s, a "Negro" was a white man in a coat and tie and a black skin.   Every "Negro" on TV or in the movies had to look exactly like a white man, and they were usually less than a quarter black.

The original aim of the civil rights movement was that there be no diversity at all in America. Everyone would simply be brown.   Everybody would have the same education, the same liberal outlook, and the same low rate of illegitimate births that whites had then.

This would all be done by forcing Southerners to integrate with blacks.

The Argument for Integration Changes

In the 1950s, the argument for integration was that it would end diversity.   Everybody in every white majority country would eventually become a uniform brown.   Funny, integration has never been demanded of any non-white country!

This ideal of ending all diversity in white countries was preached by Franz Boas as the means of getting rid of the white race, which he viewed as the common enemy of Jews and all other minority groups.

To be fair, a few of the most outspoken opponents of integration were Jews.   The founder of US News and World Report, David Lawrence, demanded the repeal of the Fourteenth Amendment.  In 1961 his issue commemorating the beginning of the War to keep the South was the best case ever made for the Southern Cause.

Right through the 1960s, the NAACP never had a single black president.  They were all leftist Jews.

But by the 1960s, some blacks started to wonder what BLACKS would get out of all this.   Some black leaders began to realize that "Negroes" was not just a hard word for Southerners to pronounce, it was also hard for BLACKS to pronounce.  It had never occurred to any civil rights leaders that blacks had any purpose except as a battering ram against whites, and no black appointed as a Leader had questioned that goal.

So in the 1960s the old goal of getting rid of whitey was not enough.  The argument for integration changed.  

Integration became "de-segregation".   This "de-segregation" was now "to get equal schools for blacks." You bused white children to black schools, said liberals, so that whites would be forced to give black schools equal funding.

Black Schools could have been Equal

Before 1954, on average black teachers in North Carolina were already paid more than white teachers.   This was to avoid integration.

Governor Byrnes of South Carolina introduced the state's sales tax to provide equal funding to black schools.  If blacks had been willing to trade integration for funding they could have had all the money they wanted for their schools.   

For integration, blacks threw away their opportunity for huge funding for their schools. No one questioned the fact that the function of blacks was to act as a sledgehammer to break up white society.

So for liberals to say that they wanted busing just to get funding for black schools was nonsense. Yet by then,,  no conservative would dare point this out.

But the bottom line on integration was the same as the bottom line on the War to Keep the South.  White Southerners wanted to be left alone.

If we stick to that goal, we can win.   
Please see November 9, 2002  From that: “HOW TO WIN” and also “DO WE GET THE MINORITY VOTES WE WILL NEED MORE AND MORE IN THE FUTURE?”

Is it Possible for some Minorities to have some real Pride?
The rise of black militants in the late 1960s changed more than the word "Negro."   It also exposed how humiliating the whole liberal approach to integration had been. Please see February 9, 2002 - WHITE ANTIRACISM IS REALLY VERY RACIST.   

Militants pointed out that "Negro" just meant a dark white man and blacks only goal was to mix with whites.   It has always been true that leftists look upon blacks as more sub-human than Klansmen do, but Stokeley Carmichael and other militant blacks shouted that out for the world to hear.

By the 1960s, when Susan Sontag declared the open and honest liberal position that "the white race is the cancer of history," the blacks she depended on to get rid of whites were showing signs of having some purposes of their own.

The “Abolish Whites” Movement was being threatened by Black Pride.

The Argument for Integration Changes, Phase III


White integrationists still regard blacks as a sledgehammer with which they
can break up white society and get rid of whites.   Integration is NOT
"race-mixing."  Its NOT "mixing the races."  Integration is only demanded in white majority countries.  

Integration has nothing to do with "the races".  It is ONLY intended to be used as a sledgehammer against the white race.

But regarding blacks as nothing but a sledgehammer against white society is insulting to blacks, so whites have not been able to say that since the 1960s.

So now integration is not AGAINST whites.  It's FOR whites.  It gives them Diversity.   That shows that blacks educate us just by sitting beside us.

Oh, goody!

Meanwhile, I am still a white Southerner and I want to be left alone.

We'll pay blacks for the privilege of being left alone, just as we were willing to fight a war to be left alone.

But not leaving Southerners to themselves seems to be the only purpose Northern whites and liberal minorities have.

Pathetic, isn't it?


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