We all know that the South is America's only natural nation. We have a set of attitudes and a deep-rooted culture that makes a nation. This shows that the term "Southern nationalist" needs to be used carefully. We already ARE a nation. What we want is to make our nation, which already exists, independent.

It is important to us to know that we are the only real nation over here. But it also has enormous implications for non-Southerners. It means that the rest of the United States does not have a real identity of its own.

When I cross the border into Canada, I feel that I am in a land that is still an integral part of Europe. All Canadian political attitudes are purely European. Even the upper house of their legislature is appointed for life!

In Canada, if you have a gun you go to prison. If you say anything Politically Incorrect, you can go to jail.

So what does the rest of the United States use as a substitute for nationality? The founder and first editor of the New Yorker Magazine in the 1920s had a sign on his desk that said, in bold letters, "HATE SOUTHERNERS" (James Thurber, "My Years With Ross").

If you had asked someone in the 1920s what America was all about, he would say something like "Mom and apple pie." But now that is unicultural. The only thing you are allowed to say that America is now is the Constitution. When we sit through a list of people on television telling us "I am an American" it is a parade of people who have nothing in common.

So the United States outside the South is a "nation" of people who have nothing in common.

So today, America is stating flatly what that sign on the editor's desk said eighty years ago: the only identity the North has is hating the Southern nation. When they get together in what they call a patriotic rally, their theme is "The Battle Hymn of the Republic," which we know as "John Brown's Body."

The only basis for American nationhood today is cultural nonexistence and hate. For all their talk about the Constitution, a United States without the South would have exactly the same laws that Canada has today, Hate Laws and all.

The United States hates the Southern nation and it hates white gentiles. That is its only basis.

That's not a basis for a Union. The North needs to get a life.


The Ohio Supreme Court has just struck down a state law banning concealed weapons. Finally, the courts are doing something for US!

Now that terrorism is in the air, a completely helpless public is not as popular as it used to be. Even some courts are beginning to understand this.

Open borders was the real American policy until September 11, 2001. Now Congress demands that the INS be abolished!

Every day hundreds of thousands of Americans who were all for a color-blind society are being searched so that people who look like terrorists won't be singled out for airline checks. They are really upset that they, regular Americans, are being frisked right along with the grubbiest foreigner.

It was all right when white school children were bussed into dangerous areas for the theory of nondiscrimination, but when it hits voters on airplanes, it's suddenly gone too far.



I saw a picture in Time Magazine of an Israeli woman showing the weapon she carries all the time. Have you heard any calls for gun control in Israel? New York's Jewish population solidly backs that state's gun ban but not a one of those folks wants the same law in Israel.

Is New York safe? Of course not. But if minorities threaten New Yorkers, the New Yorker gets a minimum sentence of one year in prison if he carries a weapon for self-protection. After all, Jews in New York look upon themselves as a minority group in sympathy with the oppressed minority groups.

But in Israel, the oppressed minority is the Palestinians, so that's a completely different matter.



"The Godfather, Part II" had a plot which ended up concentrating on a single incident. The Evil Capitalists and their fellow criminals, the Mafia, were dividing up Cuba with the evil ruler Battista. Meanwhile, the intellectual Marxist hero Fidel Castro was trying to drive Battista out of power.

The Godfather himself was riding through Havana at this time and he saw a man yell "Viva Fidel!" and blow himself up with a policeman. He told the Evil Capitalists that Castro would win. "Nobody paid that guy to kill himself," he said, "They might just win."

Fidel, you see, is a hero of the left. The movie industry was explaining to us that suicide bombing for Castro was a good idea. Terror against civilians has always been a routine Communist tactic. Those bombs were used in restaurants and other civilian targets back then the same way they are used by Palestinians today in Israel. But Cuba is not Israel.



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